EUSA Student Commission meets

EUSA Student Commission meets

EUSA STC members met in Ljubljana, SLO between April 23 and 25, 2010 for their first meeting this year. Apart from the Student Commission members, present at the meeting were also the EUSA Office representatives – Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl.


Rector of the University of Ljubljana prof. dr. Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik

As the FISU Ski Commission meeting took place in Ljubljana at the same time, Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA), which hosted the meeting, together with EUSA and FISU representatives decided to organise a joint part of the programme, including a sightseeing tour, joint dinner and an introductory session. In the plenary session on Saturday, all participants were briefly acquainted with the University of Ljubljana, presented by its Rector prof. dr. Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik; Slovenian University Sports Association, presented by its President prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik, also EUSA EC member; European University Sports Association, presented by its Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik; International University Sports Federation, and the upcoming Winter Universiades – Erzurum 2011, presented by FISU Winter Universiade Director Mr Milan Augustin and FISU CTI Winter Universiade Chairmain Mr Roger Roth; and Winter Universiade Maribor 2013, presented by the Technical Director Mr Marko Rataj.


FISU Ski Commission & EUSA Student Commission meeting

Following the common plenary session, EUSA Student Commission meeting continued. Members of the STC were welcomed by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. Mr Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President addressed the participants via live conference video call, expressing his faith in the EUSA STC and its members, and wished them a successful and fruitful meeting.


Communications Manager Mr Pisl and Secretary General Mr Pecovnik

After the live conference call, Mr Pecovnik introduced EUSA and its activities, STC structure and tasks to the STC members, especially to the newly elected ones. Mr Pisl introduced the IT system and communications, including the new online registration and accreditation tool, and the volunteer management tool. Ms Eleftheria Kallikazarou, STC Chair, presented the activity report for 2009, and Ms Maria Rubach presented the EUSA 2011 Symposium bid from Norway. The meeting continued with the planning of the EUSA STC activities in 2010-2011 period, distributing the tasks and responsibilities among the members.

The meeting concluded by a farewell dinner and a party.


EUSA Student Commission members and EUSA Office representatives

Structure of the current EUSA Student Commission:

Mandate 2009-2011:
- Antti Ville Afflekt, FIN
- Eleftheria Kallikazarou, GRE [Chair]
- Tamar Salomon, NED
- Luis Andre Silva E Couto, POR

Mandate 2010-2012:
- Zoltan Rakaczki, HUN [Secretary]
- Julien Buhajezuk, FRA
- Olga Doktorova, RUS
- Maria Rubach, NOR

The commission has their own website and can be reached at

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