EUSA STC meets in Greece

EUSA STC meets in Greece

Student Commission of the European University Sports Association (EUSA STC) met in Athens, Greece between October 22 and 24, 2010.


The meeting, hosted by the Hellenic Committee for University Sport (EATE) at the Polytechnic University, was attended by Eleftheria Kallikazarou, STC Chair and STC members Annti Afflekt, Tamar Salomon, Zoltan Rakaczki, Julien Buhajezuk, Maria Rubach, joined by Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager.




Among other items on the agenda, STC members discussed the topics of networking, made some proposals for EUSA Symposium, evaluated the EUSA Volunteer programme and made suggestion for the future. One of the tasks was also the selection of the best photo among the ones received in the EUSA Photo Competition 2010, run by EUSA STC.


Winning photo - EUSA Photo Competition 2010


The winning photo is the photo submitted by Beate Alderslyst from Norway, taken at the European Universities Futsal Championship in Zagreb, Croatia.


Sightseeing in Athens


EUSA STC members and Communications Manager also enjoyed the sightseeing tour and social programme, organised by STC Chair Mrs Kallikazarou and her parent organisation EATE.

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