EUSA STC meeting in Ljubljana

EUSA STC meeting in Ljubljana

EUSA Student Commission members met in Ljubljana, Slovenia on Saturday, June 11, 2011. The Commission members met on their first meeting after the new members were nominated at this year’s EUSA General Assembly, held earlier in March in Eilat, Israel.

The meeting took place at the EUSA Office in Ljubljana, where Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General welcomed the participants on behalf of the President Mr Gualtieri and on behalf of the Secretariat. He also briefly introduced EUSA and its activities to the members. Mr Andrej Pisl, Communications Manager, presented the current programmes which are being carried out in cooperation with the Student Commission.


Pressentation by Mr Pecovnik

The Chair of the Commission Mrs Olga Doktorova (RUS) presented the ideas of the Strategy, General Program 2011-2012, actual practices, projects, tools and perspective outlooks of the committee. In the discussions which followed, the students prepared an action plan and distributed the tasks. During the intensive day of meetings, the students were also split into workgroups to define their programme, which includes activities on the Student Volunteer Programme, Photo Competition and the European Anti-Doping Initiative.


EUSA Student Commission members in discussion

EUSA Student Commission is composed of eight members who have common interest in promoting sports and physical activity among students in Europe. Their mandate is 2 years, and it is currently composed by the members Bruno Barracosa (POR), Isabel Collischonn (SUI), Kaisa Myllylä (FIN), Nermin Potur (BIH), Zoltan Rakaczki (HUN), Maria Rubach (NOR),  Aikaterini Zompanaki (GRE) and Olga Doktorova (RUS), as the chair of the commission.


Presentation by STC Chair Mrs Doktorova

The Student Commission will meet next during the 8th European Universities Tennis Championship which will be held in St. Gallen, Switzerland between September 4 and 10, 2011.

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