EUSA Statutary working group meeting

EUSA Statutary working group meeting

Warsaw was the host for the work meeting between the members of the EUSA Statutory Working Group on November 10th. The meeting was held in the University of Warsaw main campus.

This Working Group, created by the Executive Committee, is a follow up on the discussion from the previous General Assembly in Maribor, Slovenia, where several proposals from the EC and from NUSAs were presented. For the purpose of making a proposal of the revision of the EUSA Statutes to be discussed at the next General Assembly, the EC appointed a Working Group composed of Mr Dinos Pavlou (CYP) as the Chair and Mr Samvel Haroutunian (ARM) and Mr Bruno Barracosa (POR) as members.

University of Warsaw - venue of the meeting

This meeting was also attended by the President of EUSA Mr Adam Roczek, who reinforced the goals and responsibility of this Working Group and introduced to the members all the previous documents under discussion on the subject.


The discussion on the statutes was mainly focused on making them clearer, more functional and coherent. The matters regarding the inclusion of Students in the governance of EUSA were also heavily discussed. It was a very productive meeting were all the members of the Working Group also had the opportunity to expose their perspectives and thoughts about the EUSA structure.

Statutary working group: Mr Barracosa, Mr Pavlou and Mr Haroutunian

After this meeting, the Working Group has now the task of finishing up the final proposal for the Executive Committee so that EUSA Members have to opportunity to analyze and discuss the EUSA Statutes revision proposal at the next General Assembly that will be held in Madeira, Portugal, in March 2013.

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