EUSA Sports Meetings

EUSA Sports Meetings

The past EUSA General Assembly, held March 15-18 in Maribor, Slovenia, was also an opportunity for a few sports meetings with the organisers of the upcoming EUSA Events.


First, a few meeting were held with the presence of EUSA Staff – Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa and Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl – with the representatives of the Organising Committee of the 1st European Universities Games Mr Vicente Orga, Games CEO and Rifaat Chabouk, Operations Manager. They discussed the details of the registration and practical information, which was later on presented also to the participants of the EUSA Conference.

Meeting with the 2013 EUC Rugby 7s Organisers


A meeting followed with the representatives of the Organising Committee of the 2013 European Universities Rugby 7s Championship, to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Mrs Kamelia Atanassova and Mr Nikolai Kolev presented the project and the plans. As the date for the championship has not yet been finalised, the participants agreed to shortly finalise the optimal time-slot shortly, after checking also with European Rugby governing bodies and placing the event into the competition calendar.

Presentation of EUSA Games 2014


The series of sports meetings concluded with meeting the Organising Committee’s representatives of the 2nd European Universities Games Mr Menso de Maar and Ms Hester de Vries, who presented the plans for the Games. Although Rotterdam, the venue of the 2014 Games is known as the City of Sports, the Dutch representatives expressed interested to attend the 1st edition of the Games this summer in Cordoba. The 2014 Games were otherwise also presented at the Conference in Maribor.

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