EUSA sports meeting

EUSA sports meeting
On Monday, January 30 and Tuesday, January 31, EUSA sports working meeting took place in the EUSA Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The hosts - Mr Matjaz Pečovnik, Secretary General and Mr Andrej Pišl, Communications Manager welcomed the Sports Manager Mr Adam Roczek and Technical Delegate for Futsal Mr Patrik Peroša. After the decison of Mr Roczek to step down as the Sports Manager, Mr Peroša will replace him on this position from February 1.

Mr Perosa and Mr Roczek - New and current EUSA Sports Manager
The participants first discussed the operational issues regarding the working of the office, with emphasis on sports matters. The agenda then focused on the 1st European Universities Games, which will take place in Cordoba, Spain between July 13 and 23, 2012. Current entry status was reviewed, showing huge interest of universities to participate. As the new deadline is set to February 13, there is still a possibility to take part (with registration through the national university sports association and paid deposit). Although the 1st edition of the EUSA Games is now in the spotlight, preparations are also undergo for the 2nd European Universities Games - Rotterdam 2014, so this event was also discussed in more details.
Apart from the European Universities Games, the current and new Sports Manager also discussed the European Universities Championships for 2013. Together with the Secretary General and Communications Manager an activity plan for the next year's sports events was prepared.

EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik and Communications Manager Mr Pisl
The participants also prepared a proposal for the Executive Committee on the bidding procedure for the EUSA events in 2015 and 2016, and discussed several other topics, related to the field of sports management, rules and regulations, technical handbooks and cooperation with other umbrella sports bodies. The outcomes of the meeting will be presented in more details at the next Executive Committee Meeting, to be held in Maribor, Slovenia on March 15, 2012, just before the EUSA General Assembly.
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