EUSA Seminar 2008

EUSA Seminar 2008
The EUSA Seminar for the participants of the General Assembly was organised on December 5, 2008 at the University City in Paris. More than 100 participants were welcomed by Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President and Mr. Jose Savoye, FFSU President.


Mr. Savoye presented the participants the organisation of the French University Sports Federation. The second speaker was Mr. Claude Louis Gallien, FISU 1st Vice-President, who spoke on the Sport and Higher Education and the model for the European University System.

Mr. Arno Richard, FFSU Vice-President presentation was on the International Sport Events and Discourse Analysis, while Mr. Eric Saintrond, FISU Secretary General presented the latest news from FISU.

The floor was then given to Mr. Marat Bariev, Minister for Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan and Vladimir Leonov, the Executive Director of the Summer Universiade 2013; who presented the games to be held in Kazan. Mr. Otmar Kugovnik (SLO) spoke on the project of the Winter Universiade Maribor 2013, while Mr. Arie Rosenzwieg (ISR) reported on the Friendship Games 2008.

After the Seminar, a sightseeing tour of Paris was organised for the participants.


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