EUSA’s Equal Opportunities Commission meets virtually

EUSA’s Equal Opportunities Commission meets virtually

The EUSA Equal Opportunities Commission met online on Thursday, April 1, discussing various activities and initiatives which will be undertaken in the coming months.

Present at the meeting were EUSA Executive Committee Member and Chair of the Commission Mr Bruno Barracosa, the Commission’s Secretary Ms Sara Rozman as well as members Ms Biscomb Kay and Ms Ines Lenze.

After a short welcome, approval of the agenda and an overview of the minutes of the previous meeting, an overview of EUSA’s activities for 2021 was discussed, including the news that the European Universities Games 2021 in Belgrade, Serbia will not be held in July, the financial impact on resources for the year 2021 as well as the association’s strategy and organisation of future events.

The Commission’s Awareness Campaign was then discussed, following which various initiatives were considered, including a webinar on gender equality that is scheduled to take place in June.

Equal Opportunities Commission meeting

EUSA’s incident policy campaign, which is being prepared in various formats, was also discussed, as well as opportunities for new European Union-funded projects, following the publishing of the new call for projects in March.

The Commission plans to meet once again virtually towards the end of the year.

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