EUSA President visits Ukraine

EUSA President visits Ukraine

Sport Students’ Union of Ukraine (SSUU), together with the Committee of Physical Education and Sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine hosted EUSA President, Mr Adam Roczek between August 28 and 30 in Kiev, Ukraine. The working visit was part of the meetings between the national university sports associations of Poland (AZS) and Ukraine (SSUU) and started with the meeting of EUSA and SSUU on Wednesday, August 28, discussing past achievements, current situation and future plans.


On September 29 Mr. Roczek had several official meetings with authorities and university representatives. Firstly, he visited the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and had the official meeting with Mr Dmytro Tabachnyk, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, followed by a meeting with Mr Vasyl Kremin, the President of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek at the meeting

EUSA President also met with the Rectors of leading Ukrainian universities – Kiev National Polytechnic University, National Pedagogical University M.P.Dragomanov, National University of Physical Culture and Sport. They acquainted Mr Roczek with their universities and activities. They also visited Sport Complex of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P.Dragomanov and the Library of Olympics Chronicle.

Ukrainian hosts - SSUU


On the last day on August 30 Mr Roczek was invited as an Honored Guest to the opening of the stature of the famous Polish scientist and public figure, a former graduate of this university professor Wojciech Swietoslawski. The ceremony was held in the National Technical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI). The President then visited the World University Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, followed by a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of Poland in Ukraine Mr Genryk Litvin. The evening concluded with a conference and round tables devoted to the cooperation in development of physical culture and sport, especially cooperation between Poland and Ukraine.

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