EUSA President visits FYR Macedonia

EUSA President visits FYR Macedonia
On the Invitation of the University Sports Federation of Macedonia (FSUM) the EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik visited today the capital of FYR Macedonia - Skopje.

Mr Gualtieri and Mr Pecovnik visit FSUM 

EUSA representatives were welcomed by the FSUM President Blagoja Markoski and Secretary General Boris Brsakoski, who presented them the activities of the Federation and its future projects. FSUM President announced that the goals of federation are also to increase the participation of university teams from FYR Macedonia on the European Universities Championships and organisation of one of the EUC in the near future.

EUSA President stressed that EUSA will support their endeavour for organisation and participation on the EUC and further development of the university sports in FYR Macedonia.

Mr. Markoski proudly announced, that the University Sports Association of Macedonia decided to accept Mr. Alberto Gualtieri in the membership of their federation. Mr. Gualtieri was awarded with the FSUM Honorary Member Recognition.

Gualtieri receives award 

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