EUSA President visited Ljubljana

EUSA President visited Ljubljana
The EUSA President Mr. Alberto Gualtieri visited the EUSA Office in Ljubljana for a working meeting with the EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik. The meeting took place at the new EUSA offices in the Main Building of the University of Ljubljana.

The Agenda for the next EUSA EC Meeting, the EUSA General Assembly and the Activity Plan were were the main topics of the meeting. Mr. Gualtieri also visited the venues of the EUSA Convention for the EUC organisers, which will take place from November 7-9, 2008 in Ljubljana and met with Mr. Otmar Kugovnik, the President of the Slovenian University Sports Association.

The EUSA President also stopped in Koper where this week the World University Futsal Championship is being organised.
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