EUSA President receives honorary title

EUSA President receives honorary title

Mr Alberto Gualtieri, President of the European University Sport Association (EUSA) was awarded with Doctor Honoris Causa by the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education in Kaunas. The honorary doctorate for his extraordinary achievements in the field of university sports was presented to Mr Gualtieri by prof. dr. Albertas Skurvydas, the Rector of the Academy.


Laudator Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas

The ceremony in Kaunas was held on May 12, 2011 and was attended by many EUSA Executive Committee Members including Vice Presidents Mr Sinisa Jasnic and Mr Oleg Matytsin, Treasurer Mr Leonz Eder, board members Mr Olaf Tabor, Mr Otmar Kugovnik, Mr Wolf Fruhauf, Mr Ceslovas Gabaliauskas and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. Among guests were also the FISU President Mr George E Killian, FISU Vice President Mr Stefan Bergh and many FISU board members as well as representatives of EUSA member federations from Poland, Finland and Estonia.


Group photo with the Rector Skurvydas, FISU President, Mr Gualtieri and Mr Garbaliauskas

The laudation was given by Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, President of Lithuanian Student Sport Association. After the laudator's speech the Doctor Honoris Causa Diploma was presented to Mr Alberto Gualtieri by prof. dr. Albertas Skurvydas the Rector of the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. Mr. Killian underlined the important role played by EUSA and its President Gualtieri in the development of the FISU continental program. At the end, Mr Gualtieri addressed to the audience and thanked the Academy for the big honour shown by this honorary title.


Speech by Mr Alberto Gualtieri

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