EUSA present at the UNET meeting

EUSA present at the UNET meeting

On the invitation of Prof. Dr. Dragan Marusic, Rector of the University of Primorska, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) attended the Meeting for the establishment of the Network of Universities (UNET) from the geographical area of former Yugoslavia, which was held in Koper, Slovenia, on March 20, 2014.


The participants of the meeting were the universities rectors and vice-rectors from 12 universities from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo. After the welcome speech by the Rector of the University of Primorska and the presentation of participating universities, the floor was given to EUSA Secretary General.

EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik


In cooperation with the Slovenian University Sports Association, the University of Primorska has organised three European Universities Championships (EUC) up to now, will host EUSA Convention this year and EUC Basketball in 2015, stressed Mr Pecovnik and on behalf of EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek thanked the host for invitation and successful cooperation.


EUSA Secretary General afterwards presented the structure and activities of the organisation to the representatives of the universities and invited them to participate with their university teams through the National University Sports Associations in their countries at the EUSA events. He also pointed out many successful championships and other events held in the cities of the present universities at the meeting, like Nis, Split, Novi Sad and Zadar, as well as Osijek - the host city of EUC Football 2015. At the end of the presentation, Mr Pecovnik invited the university rectors to the European Universities Games 2014, which will be held in Rotterdam and to the next edition of the Games in Zagreb-Rijeka in 2016.

EUSA Presentation


The program continued with signing of the Letter of intent for the establishment of UNET, concert of the Academic Choir of the University of Primorska and the lecture: "The Birth of Natural Philosophy and its Prodigal Son: Science" given by the Nobel Prize Winner and Doctor of the University of Primorska honoris causa Sir Harold Walter Kroto. On Friday evening, the Academy awarding the prizes of the University of Primorska was held.

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