EUSA present at OLL 90th Anniversary

EUSA present at OLL 90th Anniversary

Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) celebrated its 90th Anniversary by organising the Gala Evening on February 1, 2014 in Helsinki.


More than 100 invited guests participated on the event held in Hotel GLO, among them also EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik.


EUSA representatives: Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General; Adam Roczek, President; Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, EC Member


The Gala started with welcome speech of Ms Hanna Huumonen, OLL President who presented a short overview on the long federation’s history. OLL President also welcomed the international guests, representatives of EUSA and neighbouring national university sports associations.


OLL President Ms Hanna Huumonen


Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, President of Lithuanian Student Sports Federation, Mr Sture Espwall, President of Swedish University Sports Federation, Ms Line Møllerop, President and Mr Marius H. Johannessen, Secretary General of Norwegian University Sports Federation and Mr Tarmo Jaakson, Secretary General of Estonian Academic Sports Federation also participated in the event.


EUSA Family


In his address, Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President thanked for the invitation and congratulated the federation for its anniversary. EUSA President also stressed the important role OLL plays in the international and European university sports space and remembered the EUC Futsal which was more than successfully organised last year in Tampere and still holds the record in the number of participants on European Universities Championships. At the end of his speech, EUSA President presented the EUSA gift to Ms Huumonen, OLL President.


Recipients of special awards


The gala continued with cultural program and concluded with awarding ceremony. Mr Roczek presented together with Mr Jukka Tirri the award for the Student Athlete of the Year given to Mr Sami Niemi, gold medal winner on the Ski Jumping Competition on the Winter Universiade in Trento last year.

Student award: Mr Sami Niemi, presented by EUSA President

More details and photos can be found on the official website of OLL at

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