EUSA present at HUSF General Assembly 2015

EUSA present at HUSF General Assembly 2015

On the invitation of the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF), EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary General, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik visited Budapest from February 26-27, 2015. EUSA representatives firstly attended the HUSF General Assembly. In his welcome speech, Mr Adam Kiss, HUSF President welcomed the delegates and guests, also specifically thanking Mr Roczek and Mr Pecovnik for accepting the invitation to the Assembly.

Welcome address by HUSF President Mr Adam Kiss

Mr Kiss afterwards presented HUSF medals of honour to the EUSA representatives. In his address to the delegates, EUSA President thanked HUSF for its continuous contribution to the development of the university sport.


EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek


Mr Roczek added that during the last few years, Hungary has significantly increased the participation of its university teams on the European Universities Championships and Games; as well as successfully organised the first EUC last year. "We look forward to EUC Rugby 7's and EUC Basketball which will be organised in your country in 2015 and 2017", said Mr Roczek and afterwards presented EUSA plaquette to HUSF President.


EUSA and HUSF Presidents


The previous year has been very successful for the federation. 3 medals at the Winter Universiade and 29 medals at the World University Championships were won by Hungarian students. For the first time in the history, a medal for Hungary was won also at the European Universities Games, as gold medal in rowing went to he Szechenyi Istvan University. Beside the annual reports, the General Assembly also approved few modifications of the statutes and the activity plan.


Assembly delegates' voting


After the Assembly, the special reception to honour the university sports was organised in the Hungarian House of Sports. Beside HUSF and EUSA representatives, the reception was attended also by Mr Bence Szabo, the Hungarian Olympic Committee Secretary General, Mr Gergely Pröhle, the Human Resources Department's Deputy Secretary of State for International and European Affairs, Dr. Éva Sándorné Kriszt, Co-chairman of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference, Mr Bela Körmöczi, the Hungarian Rugby Union President and many other representatives of the Hungarian Sport Federations and Institutions.




The presence of ambassadors and consuls from 26 European Countries, Brazil and China gave a special recognition to the university movement.




In his welcome address, the President of HUSF, Mr Kiss emphasized the potential of the university sport as well as the collaboration opportunities and possibilities on this field. Among other, Mr Kiss confirmed the engagement of Hugary to further contribute to the development of university sports both in Europe and Worldwide. Beside two European Universities Championships that will be held in Hungary in the next years, HUSF would also like to organise 2018 FISU Forum and is considering to bid for organisation of the Summer Universiade in the future.


HUSF President Mr Adam Kiss


EUSA President Mr Roczek remembered the long history of university sports movement in Hungary and stressed the importance of the university sport for the society. We all look forward to see the canidature of Hungary to organise the Summer Universiade and eventualy also the Olympic Games in the near future, Mr Roczek added. Afterwards, dr. Mozes Szekely, HUSF Secretary General presented the activities and plans of the Hungarian University Sports Federation to the guests. He expressed the hope to have a lot of partners from all over the Europe in the future university sports projects.


Moses Szekely, HUSF Secretary General


EUSA representatives will also visit Godollo and Miskolc, the host cities of the next European Universities Championships to be organised in Hungary.

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