EUSA Photo Competition 2012 winner

EUSA Photo Competition 2012 winner

The voting for the 2012 EUSA Photo Competition has closed on November 1st, as announced in the call. Out of all the photos received for the photo competition, EUSA Student Commission shortlisted 5 photos, which were put on the EUSA Facebook page and open to voting. Each 'Like' brought one vote.


When the voting closed exactly at 4 pm GMT on November 1st, two photos had the same number of votes - 670 likes each! Because of the tie, additional internal voting among the EUSA Student Commission members was conducted.

EUSA Photo Competition Winner 2012 by Anna Gumowska (POL)


The winner of this year's EUSA Photo Competition is Ms Anna Gumowska from Poland, with the photo of the male volleyball team from the University of Warsaw, taken at the 1st European Universities Games in Cordoba. As the winner of the competition, she will be invited to take part in the next EUSA General Assembly, which will take place in Portugal in March 2013, and the photo will also be promoted in the EUSA Magazine and elsewhere.


We would like to thank everyone who has participated by submitting their photos, and also to everyone who has voted for their favourite photo. As promised, we have also made a draw amongst those who have voted. Elsa from Portugal and Edvard from Estonia are the lucky recipients of symbollic EUSA gifts.

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