EUSA on Wikipedia

EUSA on Wikipedia

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, has recently been updated with the content about European University Sport Association (EUSA) and its activities, with special emphasis on the European Universities Championships (EUC) and European Universities Games (EUG). For our sports events, a total overview of all past championships and the winners is now available.

The articles are available in the English version of the Wikipedia:, as English is the official language of EUSA. Regardless of this, we will also translate the contents in a few other languages in the near future.

Article on EUSA

By enriching the Wikipedia content, the information about EUSA, its events and activities will be available to a wider scope of audience, and help us in promoting core values of university sport in Europe and worldwide.

Wikipedia is an open source resource encyclopedia, collaboratively created and maintained by users from all around the world. It is available in over 280 world languages, totalling over 20 million entries. Wikipedias are maintained under the auspices of the Wikimedia Foundation.

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