EUSA on the Danube Rectors' Conference 2007

EUSA on the Danube Rectors' Conference 2007
The EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik participated on the annual Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC), which took place from September 23-25, 2007 in Krems, Austria.

The Conference with the title Strategic management and new challenges of competitive universities in the Danube region attracted more than 120 participants from many European Universities. The DRC conference discussed the following topics: higher education management, especially leadership and personnel development at universities in the Danube region; E-learning strategies and their support within the universities; the challenges of university continuing education and relevant management tasks for DRC universities; International co-competition.

On this occasion, EUSA President, who was one of the key-speakers on the DRC organised last year, met also with prof. dr. Georg Winckler, the President of the European University Association and prof. dr. Ivan Rozman, the President of the Danube Rectors Conference.

Winckler, Gualtieri, Rozman 

During their stay in Austria, EUSA Representatives met also with the President of the Austrian University Sports Federation, Mr. Wolf Fruhauf.

More information on DRC:

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