EUSA Media and Communications Commission meeting 2017

EUSA Media and Communications Commission meeting 2017

Media and Communications Commission of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) met on May 12 in Ljubljana, Slovenia for its first live meeting in the new composition, after nominations end of last year. The commission otherwise meets monthly using online videocalls.

The Commission, chaired by EUSA Executive Committee Member Mr Bill Thompson, was welcomed by EUSA Office Staff in Ljubljana, where the meeting also took place. Commission is composed by Ms Krunoslava Kauzlaric from Croatia, Mr Kacper Czarnota from Poland, Student Commission representative Mr Moritz Belmann from Germany and assisted by EUSA Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl. EUSA interns who currently work in the field of media and communications Mr Liam Smith from United Kingdom and Matilde Guido from Italy also actively took part in the meeting.

Participants of the meeting

After the welcome address by MCC Chair Mr Thompson and EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, the members and invited participants had a chance to get to know each other better, and get a more detailed overview about EUSA and its Media and Communications Commission.

In the workshops, existing communications channels of EUSA and the national university sports associations of members of the commissions were presented and analysed. Special SWOT analysis was also done, identifying EUSA strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, focusing on opportunities in the field of media and communications.

Discussions at the meeting

Participants also tried to answer the question what services do EUSA members and event organisers require to increase and improve their communications.

The official part of the meeting concluded with setting the activity plan for the next period. Outcomes of the meeting will also be presented at the next EUSA Executive Committee meeting which will be held in September in Tartu, Estonia.

Social and sports activities

Participants also enjoyed a #beactive activities, starting with morning sports activities before the meeting and bowling challenge in the evening.

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