EUSA Magazine 2012 Published

EUSA Magazine 2012 Published

European University Sports Association (EUSA) has published the annual edition of its magazine - the European University Sports Association Year Magazine 2012.


In the magazine, published with the extended contents and layout, as introduced last year, you will be able to find the introduction by the EUSA President, current information on the structure of EUSA, including its member associations, Executive Committee, the Commissions and the Secretariat. The focus of the 2012 EUSA Magazine has been given to the inaugural European Universities Games which were held in the summer of 2012 in Cordoba, Spain. Besides the general overview, most interesting facts and figures and the interview with the Rector of the University of Cordoba, all ten sports featured in the event are presented, together with the final standings.

Contents overview - EUSA Magazine 2012


The magazine also reports on the events organised under EUSA Patronage, and special focus has also been given to EUSA conferences and projects, including the EUSA Conference and General Assembly, EUSA Convention among the first and the projects of EUSA Volunteer Program, EUSA Photo Competition and Awards among the latter.


We are also proud to present the EU Initiatives and activities, reporting on EU Hearing on Youth and Volunteering, EU Sports Forum and share with you the insights on the projects European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn), Prevention of sexualized violence in sports and the European Voluntary Service (EVS).


You will have a chance to get to know our partners and sponsors, starting with the highlights of member's activities, achievements of our sponsor Asiana Airlines and annual overview from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and Continental Associations of Asia (AUSF), Africa (FASU), Oceania (OUSA) and Americas (ODUPA).


The magazine also features an overview of the future EUSA programme and activities - upcoming European Universities Championships in 2013 and the 2nd edition of the Games, to be celebrated in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2014. We invite European National University Sports Associations and Universities to participate in our events with their teams!

Be sure to check out the magazine to get the details!



Printed editions will be distributed to EUSA member federations and EUSA partners; they will also be available at EUSA events. The digital version of the magazine can be downloaded from the EUSA website. For additional printed copies, please contact the EUSA Office.

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