EUSA Magazine 2011 Published

EUSA Magazine 2011 Published

European University Sports Association (EUSA) has published the annual edition of its magazine - the European University Sports Association Year Magazine 2011.

In the magazine, published with the extended contents and new layout, you will be able to find the introduction by EUSA President, current information on the structure of EUSA, get an overview of the record-breaking European Universities Championships which took place around Europe in 2011 and recaps from the events under EUSA Patronage.

EUSA Magazine 2011 - contents
In the magazine you will find a summary of the EUSA General Assembly which took place in Eilat, Israel in March 2011 and we are happy to introduce and report on EUSA projects, emphasis given on the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn), EUSA Student Commission - including the Volunteer Programme and Photo Competition, outcomes of the study Gender Equality in Sports and introducing new project Prevention of Sexualised Violence in Sports.
You will have a chance to get to know our partners and sponsors, starting with the highlights of member's activities, achievements of our sponsor Asiana Airlines and news from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and Continental Associations of Asia (AUSF), Africa (FASU), Oceania (OUSA) and Americas (ODUPA).
The magazine also features an overview of the future EUSA programme and activities - upcoming 1st European Universities Games, to take place this July in Cordoba, Spain, followed by the European Universities Championships in 2013 and the 2nd edition of the Games to be celebrated in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2014. We invite European National University Sports Associations and Universities to participate in our events with their teams!
We conclude with the recipients of the EUSA Awards 2011, featuring Best University, Most Active NUSA, STC Photo Competition and Fair Play.
Be sure to check out the magazine to get the details!



Printed editions will be distributed to EUSA member federations and EUSA partners; they will also be available at EUSA events. The digital version of the magazine can be downloaded from the EUSA website. For additional printed copies, please contact the EUSA Office.
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