EUSA Magazine 2010 Published

EUSA Magazine 2010 Published

European University Sports Association (EUSA) has published the annual edition of its magazine - the European University Sports Association Year Magazine 2010.

In the magazine, you will be able to find the current information on the EUSA structures, get an overview of the European Universities Championships in 2010, and reports from the championships organised last year, with recaps also on the EUSA Cups and Patronage events.

The recipients of the EUSA Awards 2010 are introduced, and reports from EUSA Conferences and other events given - General Assembly 2009, 10th Anniversary of EUSA, Opening of new offices and Convention 2010. The project of the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn) is introduced, where EUSA is one of the partners. You will have a chance to get to know our sponsor Asiana Airlines. Don't miss the highlights from our member federations, other continental university sport associations and FISU.

The magazine also features an overview of the European Universities Championships for 2011, 1st European Universities Games in 2012 and other events, and invites European National University Sports Associations and Universities to participate at our events with their teams and individuals. A special invitation is also given to all students to join the Volunteer Programme and to participate in the Photo Competition.

The magazine can be downloaded from the EUSA website. For printed copies, please contact the EUSA Office.

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