EUSA joins FISU’s Healthy Campus initiative

EUSA joins FISU’s Healthy Campus initiative

Following a recent online meeting, EUSA has agreed to join FISU in the Healthy Campus initiative, promoting the lifestyle enhancement of campus communities across the continent.

Officially launched earlier this year, the FISU Healthy Campus programme aims to enhance all aspects of well-being for students and their campus communities, encouraging the practice of healthy and sustainable lifestyles while promoting physical activity, health and nutrition as an essential and daily part of campus life.

The ultimate goal is to help universities embed health into all aspects of campus culture while providing solutions to improve the everyday lifestyle on university and college grounds both in Europe and across the globe.

Mr Fernando Parente, Director of Healthy Campus and Universities Relations, met virtually with EUSA online to present the Healthy Campus project to EUSA. Present on behalf of EUSA in the meeting was Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Sports Manager Mr Besim Aliti and Education and Development Manager Ms Sara Rozman.

Healthy Campus meeting with EUSA

Discussions revolved around aspects over which EUSA and FISU could collaborate with regards to this project, with EUSA agreeing to be part of Healthy Campus Auditor programme, the training of which will be organsed by FISU. Other areas collaboration will be evaluated and discussed in future meetings.

EUSA is most enthusiastic about this initiative taken by FISU, and is proud to colloborate on such a meaningful project that will no doubt prove to be a great success for years to come. 

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