EUSA gets accredited for EVS

EUSA gets accredited for EVS

We are happy to announce that the European Commission's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) accredited European University Sports Association (EUSA) for the period of three years as a hosting, sending and coordinating organisation for European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme.


EUSA therefore officially became an organisation involved in the European Commission's Youth in Action programme. EVS is the Action 2 of the Youth in Action programme, helping young people from Europe and programme countries to develop their sense of solidarity by participating abroad in non-profit, unpaid voluntary activities.

Youth in Action Programme


The EVS position in EUSA is open to individuals between 18 and 30, for a period ranging from 9 to 12 months; we have capabilities to host up to two international volunteers at the same time.


Please see for details.


The EVS programme complements the other volunteer opportunity in our organisation - EUSA Volunteer Programme, where during the EUSA sports events the students of European universities interested in sports and in organizing sport events are given a chance to experience the events from a different perspective, learning about the values of sport, and gaining valuable work experience through volunteering.

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