EUSA General Assembly preparations

EUSA General Assembly preparations
Between November 21 and 23, EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik visited Denizli, Turkey - host city of the 2014 General Assembly of the European University Sports Association (EUSA). The event will be organised by the Turkish University Sports Federation (TUSF) and will include the organisation of the EUSA Executive Committee Meeting, attribution of the 4th European Universities Games 2018, Conference, General Assembly and EUSA Gala.
Denizli is located in the south-western part of Turkey and has a population of about 500,000. The city has achieved a remarkable economic development in the last decades based notably on textile production and exports. Denizli Çardak Airport will serve as the official arrival point for the participants of the event.

Denizli on the map
Upon arrival, Mr Pecovnik was welcomed by Mr Suleyman Kocasert, TUSF Board Member and Chairman of the local Organising Committee. Mr Kocasert presented to EUSA Secretary General relevant information on the city, its surrounding area and the venue of the conference.
Mr Pecovnik and Mr Kocasert at Pamukkale
In order to discuss the organisational matters, Mr Pecovnik together with Mr Kocasert afterwards met with Mr Kemal Tamer, TUSF President and Mr Erdogan Celebi, TUSF Secretary General. The participants visited the facilities for the meetings all to be held in Colossae Thermal Spa Hotel where also the accommodation for delegates and guest will be organised.
Meeting with EUSA Secretary with TUSF representatives
The detailed program was discussed and confirmed as follows:
    Wednesday, April 2, 2014: Arrivals Executive Committee Members
    Thursday, April 3, 2014: Executive Committee Meeting, Arrivals Delegates and Guests
    Friday, April 4, 2014: Sightseeing, Attribution EUSA Games 2018, Conference
    Saturday, April 5, 2014: General Assembly, Gala Evening
    Sunday, April 6, 2014: Departures
Gala venue
As the conference venue is located close by the ancient city of Hierapolis and mineral-coated hillside hot spring of Pamukkale, the participants also visited this UNESCO World Heritage site, which the delegates and guest will be able to visit as well during the event.
Ancient theatre
The official invitation and registration for the event will be launched on January 1, 2014; more information will be available on
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