EUSA General Assembly 2018 concluded

EUSA General Assembly 2018 concluded

The second day of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) events in Madrid was dedicated to the General Assembly. The Assembly took some important decision and we are happy to announce that European family of University Sport is richer for one more member and we know who will organize the next two editions of the European Universities Games.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek opened the second day of EUSA General Assembly, welcoming all the guests and representatives of 37 member countries present and gave the word to our distinguished guests and hosts.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek

On behalf of the Spanish University Sport Committee (CEDU), its Secretary General Mr Txus Mardaras greeted the participants and via video address also the President of the Higher Sports Council of Spain Mr Jose Ramon Lete.

Douglas Marston, CEO SEK Education Group

On behalf of the SEK Education Group & Camilo Jose Cela University their CEO Mr Douglas Marston greeted the participants and presented the efforts that the University is doing to promote higher education of top level athletes, including cooperation with Real Madrid and dozens of students that won Olympic medals.

FISU President Mr Oleg Matytsin

The President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Mr Oleg Matytsin also addressed the audience, pointing out that EUSA is an important partner for University sport development and mentioned the importance of Strategic Dialogue between EUSA and FISU which will happen tomorrow.

EOC President Mr Janez Kocijancic

The President of the European Olympic Comitees (EOC) Mr Janez Kocijancic said that although having only 8% of world population, Europe is the most successful continent at the Olympic Games with more than 50% of medals at Summer and around 70% of medals won at Winter Olympic Games. Very important role for that success goes to University sport, mentioned Mr Kocijancic.

Agata Dziarnowska, European Commission, Sport Unit

On behalf of the European Commission, Ms Agata Dziarnowska greeted everyone and pointed out the importance of sport for European Union stating that the schools and Universities have the most important role in promoting active life among young people.

AUSF President Mr Xue

We were honoured to welcome also Mr Yanqing Xue, the President of the sister continental federation – the Asian University Sport Federation (AUSF). Mr Xue presented the future activities of University Sport in Asia, and especially FISU University World Cup Football that will happen in the city of Jinjiang, China.

After the welcome addresses, the participants honoured the late FISU President Mr George E Killian who passed away end of 2017. European family of university sport got enlarged by one member, accepting the Kosovo University Sports Federation as the new member. A report of the Executive Committee for the last 2-year period followed, presented by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek.

The report was followed by highlights of activities by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, focusing on EUSA sports events, as well as on project supported by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme and those supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU). Mr Haris Pavletic presented the experiences of hosting the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016, the largest and most successful EUSA sports event so far.

Mr Haris Pavletic presenting EUG2016

Financial report was presented by in detail by EUSA Treasurer Mr Lorenz Ursprung. After his presentation, members had a chance to ask questions and vote on the report presented.

Lorenz Ursprung, EUSA Treasurer

EUSA Auditors Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan and Marian Matac Liviu gave detailed analysis of what has been done and places for improvement from their point of view.

Auditors report

EUSA President Adam Roczek concluded the second session with the official announcement of host cities of the sixth and seventh edition of European Universities Games. Executive Committee attributed the European Universities Games 2022 to Lodz, Poland, and that the cities of Miskolc and Debrecen will host the seventh edition of the Games in 2024.

Hosts of the European Universities Games 2022 & 2024

Third, and last session of the day was dedicated to what will be happened in the next couple of years. Tha members were presented with the EUSA Strategy, paving the road for the future of EUSA.

Bill Thompson

The team lead by EUSA Treasurer Mr Lorenz Ursprung, along with Executive Committee Members Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez and Mr Bill Thompson, as well as EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik took the lead to develop a proposal for the EUSA Strategy, consulting also the membership, honorary members, commissions and office staff. The outcome was presented, with the vision and purpose of university sport and the pillars that will serve as a base for further growth.

Aitor Canibe

Mr Pecovnik presented the Activity Plan for 2018 and 2019, inviting again the delegates and guests to the European Universities Games which will be held this summer in Coimbra, accompanied by the Rectors’ Conference, FISU-EUSA Seminar and other activities.

Discussion of the activity plan

Last speaker of the session on the future of EUSA was Mr Ursprung who presented the financial projection for EUSA and the provisional budget for 2018, before Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan invited everyone to the next ordinary General Assembly, which will be held in Yerevan, Armenia in 2020. EUSA Members will also meet next year, though, at the Extraordinary General Assembly and Conference in Belgrade.

Invitation to the EUSA General Assembly 2020 by Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan

The official part of the EUSA General Assembly finished in the most beautiful way. Mr Olaf Tabor and Mr Leonz Eder received special distinctions by being awarded the title of EUSA Honorary Member for their significant contribution to university sport and its development.

Mr Leonz Eder and Mr Olaf Tabor - new EUSA Honorary members

We have to thank all our members and guests for their attendance and fruitful discussions during the Assembly, taking in the proposals and comments to even improve the quality of university sports in Europe!

The Assembly participants will enjoy the official Gala, to be held this evening in Madrid.

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