EUSA Games wrap-up

EUSA Games wrap-up

European University Sports Association (EUSA), in cooperation with the Organisers of the 1st European Universities Games Cordoba 2012 and 2nd European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014 is inviting all athletes, officials, referees, coaches and heads of delegations who have participated in the first edition of the EUSA Games in Cordoba to participate in a customer satisfaction survey.

The survey will help us improve the quality of our future events. Quite a few participants have done this already (a sincere thank you to those!). If you have participated in Cordoba and haven't completed the survey yet, please do so now; your feedback and help is greatly appreciated.

Real athletes
The deadline for completing the survey is Saturday, September 1st. Link to the survey:
As a sign of gratitude, we will make a draw and select 10 respondents who will leave their contacts in the survey, sending them practical gifts.
At the same time, let us also remind you of the photo competition in which you can take part; please see for details.
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