EUSA Games: World focus

EUSA Games: World focus

Cordoba was full of events this weekend. After the opening ceremony on Saturday, the guests from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and continental university sports federations met for the FISU International Council where the projects of the continental federations in the next two years were discussed. 

On behalf of FISU the meeting was attended by Mr Oleg Matytsin, FISU 1st Vice-President and Mr Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President, accompanied by Mr Laurent Briel, Director for Development and Mrs Nicole Mangelschots, Executive Assistant from the same department. We are honoured to report that all continental university sport federations were represented - the European University Sports Association (EUSA) by its President Mr Adam Roczek as the host, the Asian University Sport Federation (AUSF) by its President Mr Xinsheng Zhang and Executive Committee member Mr Seetow Cheng Fave;  African University Sport Federation (AUSF) by its President Mr Malumbete Ralethe and Vice President Mr Jacob Stanley Nteere; Pan-American University Sport Association (ODUPA) by its President Mr Sotero Vasquez and Oceania University Sports Federation (OUSA) by its Secretary General Mr Martin Doulton.

Mr Matytsin

Special focus was given also to the 1st edition of the European Universities Games and Mr Matytsin expressed satisfaction about the success of the event, and pointed out that these events closely assist in promoting sport as one of the main components of the educational system.

Interview President of the Organising Committee Mr Manuel Torres and Ukito, the mascot

All activities brought a lot of media attention but the weekend was also an opportunity for the representatives of various organisations and institutions to meet and discuss important topics also in a more relaxed atmosphere. First, a cocktail event was organised, attended by EUSA, FISU, Organisers, Local authorities, University representatives, partners and sponsors and other invited guests.



A special dinner was also held, at which Mr Matytsin and Mr Bergh thanked EUSA and the University of Cordoba for hosting the Games and the meeting in the lovely Andalusian city. They presented an award to Mr Roczek as the EUSA President, who thanked them for the attention and expressed hope that this event will inspire also other federations in the development of university sports around the world. A special recognition was also given to Mr Alberto Gualtieri, Honorary EUSA President, for his efforts in realising the plans for the event. The Rector of the University of Cordoba Mr Jose Manuel Roldan thanked both the past and the current EUSA Presidents for the trust and confidence given to Cordoba to organise the Games. He also thanked FISU and other guests for their contribution and involvement.

Beach volleyball competitions


On the pitches, competitions continued in beach volleyball, volleyball, football, with handball starting yesterday and two new sports started today – futsal and tennis. While basketball is starting tomorrow, the finals in singles and doubles in Badminton which are also taking place on Tuesday already signal the end of the badminton competitions at these Games.

Tennis competitions start


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