EUSA Games: Expectations

EUSA Games: Expectations

Slowly and at the same time very visibly the start of the 1st European Universities Games is approaching. For many, this event is full of expectations, especially since this is the first multi-sport event in the field of university sport in Europe of such magnitude and dimensions.


Especially very excited are the local and international volunteers who came to Cordoba to help in the organisation of this event, but the expectations and good mood of the participants which arrived yesterday and today is also very positive and uplifting.

...and we literaly mean uplifting!

From tomorrow onwards the majority of teams will be arriving, adding to the atmosphere and charm of the Games. Although the official opening ceremony will be held on Saturday evening, a few competitions will already start by then, so the adrenalin will start pumping very soon...

Arrivals of new teams


The representatives of the local organising committee and EUSA are trying to meet the demans and expectations of the participants and at the same time assuring maximum safety and comfort to them. Today, the meeting was focused on medical, security and protocol services.

Meeting of OC and EUSA


Be sure to check out our Facebook page for updates during the day and for more photos!

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