EUSA Games 2018 Bidding Cities

EUSA Games 2018 Bidding Cities

European University Sports Association (EUSA) is happy to report that two quality bids have been received to organise the European Universities Games 2018: Coimbra, Portugal and Tampere, Finland.


Neither of the cities is stranger to EUSA, as in both cities European Universities Championships have already been held and were organised very successfully. Both Tampere and Coimbra are special in their own way, and both Coimbra and Tampere have excellent references and experiences.


Bidding Books for the European Universities Games 2018

In March, EUSA representatives will schedule evaluation visits to the bidding cities. The reports of their visits, the bidding dossiers and the presentation of the candidates will be taken into consideration by the EUSA Executive Committee members who will select the host of the 2018 European Universities Games.


The presentation of the bidding cities and deliberation with announcement of the host will be made during the EUSA General Assembly on April 5, 2014.


European Universities Games are the largest university sports event in Europe, organised biannually. Apart from the sport, educational, cultural and social parts form an integral part of the event. In 2014, the Games will be organised between July 24 and August 8 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

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