EUSA Gala 2018 in Madrid

EUSA Gala 2018 in Madrid

The European University Sports Association (EUSA) concluded its General Assembly 2018 in Madrid, with a spectacular Gala, filled with local cuisine, cultural performances and good university sport company at the Villafranca Campus of the Camilo Jose Cela University on April 13 in Madrid, Spain.

Over invited 200 participants were welcomed on the premises of the hosting university’s main campus. The event was once more marked by a special blue-tie dress code, a variant of the traditional formal black-tie, incorporating EUSA colours.

EUSA Gala 2018 participants

The annual EUSA Gala is dedicated to honouring the achievements, top sports results and continued commitment to European university sport, focusing on the previous year.

EUSA President welcomes participants

After the international students anthem Gaudeamus Igitur, the guests were welcomed by the EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, Rector of the Camilo Jose Cela University (UCJC) Mr Samuel Martin-Barbero, and behalf of the Spanish government, Secretary General of the Spanish University Sport Committee (CEDU) Mr Txus Mardaras.

Rector of the University Camilo Jose Cela Mr Samuel Martin-Barbero

The first award presented was for the best university, determined by the sports achievements and results in EUSA competitions. Each team participating in the European Universities Championships got points for their participation and in the final ranking additional points were given to the best teams. Over 400 universities were represented in the 2017 season of the European universities Championships, and the race for the best university resulted in a tie; we therefore have two winners. The title of the Best University for 2017 went to the University of Bordeaux from France and the Istanbul Aydin University from Turkey.

Most successful University 2017: University of Bordeaux

The awards were presented by the EUSA President, Mr Adam Roczek. On behalf of the University of Bourdeaux they were received by the President of the university Mr Manuel Tunon de Lara and athlete Ms Laura Desreumaux. On behalf of the Istanbul Aydin University, they were received by the Vice-Rector Mr Ibrahim Hakki Aydin and coach Ms Pero Duygu Dumangoz.

Most successful University 2017: Istanbul Aydin University

The award for the most active university followed. In this category, the winners are determined by the participation of individuals and teams in the European Universities Championships. Each university received points for the number of individual athletes and university teams they sent to compete in EUSA events, and the university with the highest total points at the end of the year is recognised with the most active university award. For the last year, the university that was represented in EUSA events most frequently, was the University of Minho from Portugal. EUSA Treasurer Mr Lorenz Ursprung presented the award, received by the Rector of the University of Minho Mr Rui Vieira de Castro and President AAUM Students Union Mr Nuno Reis.

Most active university 2017: University of Minho

The most successful National University Sports Association is determined by the results and the final placement of the participants in the European Universities Championships. Regarding the results achieved by their university teams at the European Universities Championships in 2017, the most successful national university sports association in the last year was the University Sports Association of Poland. The award was presented by EUSA Vice-President Mr Haris Pavletic and received by the President of AZS Poland Mr Alojzy Nowak.

Most successful NUSA 2017: University Sports Association of Poland (AZS)

The most active National University Sports Association is determined by the participation of university teams and the number of participants in EUSA sports events each year. In 2017, these were the 19 European Universities Championships. Due to their role in the organisation of the European Universities Championships in four sports, hosting the EUSA Conference and supporting participation of more than 470 student athletes in 17 sports, the Most Active NUSA Award for 2017 went to the Portuguese University Sports Federation. The award was presented by EUSA Vice-President Mr Kemal Tamer and received on behalf of FADU by its President Mr Daniel Monteiro.

Most active NUSA: Portuguese University Sports Federation (FADU)

The organisers of European Universities Championships develop their logotypes and visual identity, and we recognise that this plays an important part in the promotion of an event and university sport in general. Each of the logos also enters the contest for the best logotype. Among the logotypes of the 2017 European Universities Championships, as a result of Facebook voting and EUSA commissions voting, the logo of the European Universities Bridge and Chess Championships Fuengirola 2017 was chosen as the best EUSA event logotype of the year. The award was presented by Ms Ivana Ertlova, EUSA Executive Committee Member and Chair of the Technical Commission, and was received on behalf of the event’s Organising Committee by Mr Rifaat Chabouk.

Best EUC Logoytpe 2017: European Universities Bridge and Chess Championships Fuengirola 2017

Karate has a rich tradition in EUSA sports program, with the first European Universities Championship organised back in 2004. The events have always been organised in close cooperation with National Karate Federations. EUSA started a dialogue for cooperation with the European Karate Federation (EKF) in 2015 and signed the Memorandum of Understanding in April last year. EUC Karate 2017 in Coimbra was the first test of the cooperation, which proved to be more than successful, and can now serve as a model also for other combat sports. For its active role in organisation and promotion of karate and EUSA among its members, the 2017 Special Award goes to the European Karate Federation. The award was presented by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and received by the President of EKF Mr Antonio Espinos.

Special Award 2017: European Karate Federation (EKF)

EUSA, as a partner of the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM), strongly promotes the spirit of Fair Play. Its values are deeply embedded in EUSA and we have been emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and the positive approach to sport from the very start. During the 12th European Universities Football Championship which took place in July 2017 Porto, Portugal, the Green Card was used for the first time in EUSA events, promoting and awarding Fair Play and good sportsmanship gestures on the field. The green card was first shown by Mr Peter de Waard, referee from the Netherlands, in the female final match between the University of Valencia (ESP) and University of Montpellier (FRA). The player Ms Marie-Charlotte Leger from the University of Montpellier received the green card for her fair play behaviour. For this gesture, its recognition and implementation of the first Green Card at EUSA sport events, the 2017 Enno Harms Fair Play Award goes to Marie-Charlotte Leger, Player of the University of Montpellier and Peter de Waard, Referee from the Netherlands. EUSA Honorary President Mr Alberto Gualtieri and EFPM Executive Committee Member Ms Baiba Veisa presented the awards, received by the referee Mr Peter de Waard and on behalf of the athlete, her colleague Laura Desreumaux.

Enno Harms Fair Play Award 2017: Mr Peter de Waard, referee from the Netherlands & Ms Marie-Charlotte Leger from the University of Montpellier

The entertainment part of the Gala featured dance and music performances, and the guests enjoyed culinary specialties of the Spanish cuisine.

Entertainment programme

Before the gala host closed the evening, thanking the performers and guests for the presence, EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek thanked the hosts - CEDU Secretary General Mr Mardaras and Mr UCJC Rector Mr Martin-Barbero for their hospitality and congratulated them for organising such a great event. EUSA Gala was also supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

Thanking the hosts

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