EUSA Gala 2013

EUSA Gala 2013

At the occasion of the General Assembly of the European University Sports Association, a special Gala evening was organised in Funchal, Madeira Saturday 16 March 2013 at the Fort Sao Tiago. The Gala started with a reception and a welcome drink at the Fort’s Museum, where the participants and guests were able to relax and enjoy in the historic atmosphere and good company.

EUSA Gala was also used to award the prizes and recognitions for the achievements of institutions, teams and individuals in the past year.

Welcome drink

After the welcome drink, the Gala started with a formal dinner. The guests were welcomed by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, FADU President Mr Bruno Barracosa and Rector of the University of Madeira Mr José Manuel Nunes Castanheira da Costa.

Welcome addresses


Best university award - The best university is determined by the sports achievements and results in EUSA competitions.  Each team that participated in the European Universities Games in Cordoba got at least 1 point for their participation. The final ranking is a sum of all results where 1st placed team gets 12 points, followed by 10, 8, 6 points and so on for other places. Three top teams got almost the same number of points. University of Minho from Portugal and Moscow State University of Economics Statistics and Informatics from Russia qualified in 2nd place with 26 points, and the title of the best university goes to the University of Coimbra from Portugal, receiving the title third time in a row. The award was presented by Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President, and received by Mr João Gabriel Silva, Rector of the University of Coimbra, Mr Ricardo Morgado, The President of Coimbra Student Union and Mr João Barbosa de Melo, President of Coimbra City Hall.

Best University Award


Sports achievements and results, similarly as for the Best university, determine the Most successful National University Sports Association. According to the sports results, Spain with 136 points, and Russia with 137 points reached 3rd and 2nd place in the category of the Most successful NUSA. With 6 bronze, 3 silver and 3 gold trophies, with additional 8 placement in the top eight, the winner of the award for the Most successful National University Sports Association is the University Sports Association of Poland. The award was presented by Mr Oleg Matytsin, EUSA Vice President and received on behalf of AZS Poland by its representative Mr Piotr Maszal.

Best NUSA Award


Most active National University Sports Association is determined by participation of teams and number of participants in the European Universities Games in 2012. Additional points were given for organization of any EUSA event. In this competition Poland achieved 3rd place and Portugal 2nd. With 33 teams and 360 participants, the Spanish University Sport Committee is the most active NUSA of 2012. Mr Leonz Eder, EUSA Vice President presented the awards to Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, representative of the Spanish University Sport Committee (CEDU).

Most Active NUSA Award

EUSA annually awards the Fair Play recognition, taking into account the play gesture/situation during the EUSA events which stand out the most. During the European Universities Games in Cordoba, one situation touched people in the sports hall after the final match in the volleyball men’s competition. University of Warsaw from Poland was defeated by the University of Nis from Serbia by 3:0, but all sets were really tight, with quality and intense matches, each with just two points difference. After winning the match, the team from Serbia celebrated their victory, dancing and singing together. The players of the opposite team joined them, celebrating their victory by applauding, dancing, singing and cheering for them. Both teams showed a very friendly atmosphere in the hall and sport and friendship was the overall winner. The University of Warsaw showed a genuine fair play gesture, especially by raising positive, friendly and sports atmosphere in the hall and that is the reason why they are awarded by Enno Harms Fair Play Award for 2012. The award, presented by Mr Oleg MATYTSIN, EUSA Vice-President and Member of the International Fair Play Movement, together with Mr MIRO CERAR, Vice-President of the European Fair Play Movement, was received by Mr Adam Falkowski, student at the University of Warsaw.

Enno Harms Fair Play Award


In 2009, EUSA Student Commission introduced the Photo Competition, where participants of EUSA Sports events can send their photos to compete for the Best Photo Award. Out of the submitted photos, the Student Commission shortlisted 5 photos, and then the photos underwent public voting on the EUSA Facebook page. The public voting received quite some interest and within the announced deadline, two photos received the same number of votes - 670 votes each, so the Student Commission added the deciding vote. The winning author Ms Anna Gumowska participated in the 1st European Universities Games in Cordoba - and her photo depicts the joys of sports victories and team spirit. The author of the best photography received the award by Ms Isabel Collischonn - EUSA StC Chair and Mr Bruno Barracosa, FADU President.

Photo Competition winner

As the name itself already indicates, the Special Achievements recognition is awarded for special achievements and may be received by individuals, organisations or institutions. In 2012, this EUSA member federation showed a substantial dedication and efforts in bringing their teams to the European Universities Games, having a big increase in participation compared to the previous years. Having 15 teams, with 140 participants, representatives of their universities, the Lithuanian Students Sports Association receives the Special Achievement Award. Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, President of the Lithuanian Students Sports Association received the award, presented by Mr Gianluca Monte, Policy Officer in the Sport Unit of the European Commission, together with Mr Olaf Tabor, EUSA Treasurer.

Special Achievements Award


EUSA also awarded three orders of merit this year. During the past summer and also at this General Assembly here in Madeira, we have heard impressive facts and figures about the 1st European Universities Games 2012 in Cordoba. Behind facts and figures is a huge work, done by a small Organising Committee, led by a charismatic Chairman. This man never lost his smile, his confidence, his trust in his team and in the idea of being able to host a wonderful sports festival among European students, and – it has to be mentioned – in difficult economical times. For his immense engagement and hard work, EUSA would like to award the Order of Merit to Mr Manuel Torres Aguilar in recognition of the successful work done by himself and also the entire Organising Committee. Mr Manuel Torres Aguilar received the award presented by Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President, together with Mr Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA Honorary President.

Order of Merit - President of the Organising Committee EUSA Games 2012


Behind every important decision there are men and/or women who take a huge responsibility, sometimes a risk. With this Award, EUSA would like to show appreciation to a man who showed a great courage and also personally took over the mission to hold the first European Universities Games in the history of EUSA. Mr José Manuel Roldán Nogueras was and is an excellent example of an individual who puts the chances and the opportunities in the first row, taking all the necessary responsibilities and being involved with great enthusiasm and dynamics.

Rector of the University of Cordoba

Both just awarded persons are also strongly linked with the institution they represent and which was beside the Spanish Committee of University Sport – CEDU, the main partner in the inaugural edition of the European Universities Games. EUSA would like to recognise the involvement and commitment of the University of Cordoba by awarding it the Order of Merit. The award was received by the Organising Committee team and the Rector of the University of Cordoba.

Order of Merit - University of Cordoba

During the evening, the guests were able to enjoy exquisite dining and wining, and the formal and less formal discussions and socialising.

Gala dinner

The evening was accompanied by entertainment programme with live traditional fadu music, performed by the students group.

Music entertainment


In the end, EUSA President gave a special recognition for Mr Bruno Barracosa, FADU President for the excellent organised events during this year's assembly and thanked all the guests for taking part in this event.

Final thanks by EUSA President Mr Roczek

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