EUSA Executive Committee welcomed in Zagreb

EUSA Executive Committee welcomed in Zagreb

The Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) held the first part of its first meeting in 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia on March 26, 2015. The meeting was acknowledged and welcomed not only by the hosts, the national university sports body - Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) and the Organisers of the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016, but also by several authorities.

Before the official start of the meeting, the EUSA Executive Committee members were welcomed by the President of the Croatian Olympic Committee Mr Zlatko Matesa and Secretary General Mr Josip Cop at a special reception at their Headquarters in Zagreb. The President of EUSA Mr Adam Roczek thanked Mr Matesa for the support of university sport, being a partner in the project of the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016, as well as the EUSA Conference 2015 which is being held in the Croatian capital between March 26 and 29, 2015.

EUSA President Mr Roczek and Croatian Olympic Committee President Mr Matesa

Mr Matesa, together with the President of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF), expressed their happiness to be a strong partner of EUSA and actively contribute to the development of youth sport and creating strong legacy for university students, city residents, as well as wider public. Mr Roczek also took the opportunity and thank Mr Matesa for the contributions and dedication of the Croatian Olympic Committee to the development of University sport on the national and European level.

EUSA EC Meeting

The Executive Committee members then discussed the management, strategies and projects of EUSA at its internal meeting. At the meeting also the EUSA Honorary President and the Auditor were present. After the Office, Financial and Audit Reports, the update and preparations of the EUSA Conference and EUSA Convention was given, followed by reports by the EUSA Commissions, namely the Student; Media and Communication; Finances and Marketing; Medical; Technical, and Equal Opportunities Commission.

Discussions at the meeting

Special emphasis was also given od various EUSA projects, including those supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and the European Union by the Erasmus+ framework through partnership with other organisations. Sport events and sport related matters, including the European Universities Championships 2015 and 2017, European Universities Games 2014, 2016 and 2018, and also other EUSA-endorsed events were also presented and discussed.

The second part of the meeting will continue on Saturday after the Conference, with discussions focused on the international relations, especially cooperation with the International University Sports Federation (FISU), who is also supporting the EUSA events in Zagreb.

EUSA Student Commission meeting

In parallel with the EUSA Executive Committee, the meeting of the EUSA Student Committee took place in Zagreb. The members discussed the past projects and devised plan for the future. The external partnerships and strategies were also an important points on the agenda. EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, together with a special guest – the President of FISU Mr Claude-Louis Gallien, welcomed the Student Commission members and congratulated them for their engagement and work. The meeting was also attended by ENGSO Youth President Mr Jan Holze and Secretary General Ms Nevena Vukasinovic, in order to even strengthen the existing cooperation between the organisations.

EUSA President, Secretary General together with FISU President addressing the students

As a special recognition of the university sport and the two governing organisations - on continental level the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and globally the International University Sports Federation (FISU), the delegation of the gighest EUSA, FISU and HASF representatives was also received in the Croatian Parliament.

Meeting at the Croatian Parliament

They were received by the President of the Parliamentary Committee on Health and Social Policy, Mr Zeljko Jovanovic and President of the Board of Education, Science and Culture, Mr Valter Boljuncic, and teh participants discussed the European Universities Games 2016 and the role of university sport and promotion of health and physical activities.

CASF, EUSA and FISU representatives


On March 27 and 28, the EUSA Conference, in parallel with the EUSA Convention are taking place in Zagreb, offering the discussions and education opportunities in the field of university sport on one side and technical preparations and inspection visits in preparations for the European Universities Games 2016 on the other. The events in Zagreb will conclude with a special EUSA Gala.

We kindly invite you to follow us on our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for updates of the EUSA events in Zagreb.

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