EUSA Executive Committee meeting in Zurich

EUSA Executive Committee meeting in Zurich

The last meeting of the Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) in 2015 was held in the Swiss economic and business capital Zurich on October 23 and 24.

The meeting was hosted by the Swiss University Sport Federation (SHSV/SUSF) and Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ), with the support of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and the University of Zurich.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek welcoming the participants and thanking the hosts

EUSA Executive Committee members and staff were also joined by the EUSA Auditor Mr Zoltan Rakaczki, EUSA Legal Advisor Mr Thomas Loher and guests from the Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF), Mr Yanqing Xue, AUSF Vice Secretary General and Ms Yuetong Yan, AUSF General Coordinator.

AUSF delegates

The participants were welcomed by ASVZ Director Mr Lorenz Ursprung, SUSF President Mr Andreas Csonka, as well as by Mr Mario Fehr, Government Councillor of Zurich, Mr Egon Franck, President of ASVZ and Mr Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich.

Meeting the City and University of Zurich representatives

Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President, thanked the hosts for their invitation and hospitality, congratulating them on exemplary development of university sport and presented special commemorative gifts to them.

EUSA President with ASVZ and ETH Zurich responsibles

The 2-day meeting started with the office and financial reports, continued with the reports of the Commissions, including the one from the Student Commission, Media and Communication, Finances and Marketing, Medial, Technical, Equal Opportunities, Rules and Regulations.

Reporting by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik

EUSA Committee members nominated four new Student Committee members, two male and two female university students, respecting gender balance.

Presentations and Discussions

Sport events and sport related matters were presented and discussed in more details, starting with the current season of the European Universities Championships and progress report on the 2017 events. The European Universities Games were discussed next, starting from the edition coming up next year in Zagreb-Rijeka, 2018 edition in Coimbra and the bidding process for the 2020 European Universities Games.

EUSA Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor

Special attention was given to inclusion and integration of students with disabilities, starting with the European Universities Games 2016 where Table Tennis and Swimming will also incorporate categories for students with disabilities.

Presentations at the meeting

Special projects, were also presented and discussed, supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and the European Commission. Current EU-supported projects include the projects under the national agencies, including the European Voluntary Service (EVS) and Sport Plays Mixed, as well as on pan-European level, including SCORE - Promotion of Gender Equality in Coaching, and the new project Voices for truth and dignity (VOICE) - Combatting sexual violence in European sport through the voices of those affected – EUSA being a partner in both.

Reflecting the reports by EUSA Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder

EUSA projects and activities partially also supported by FISU are the operation of EUSA Office in Ljubljana, Executive Committee and Internal Meetings, Print and Social media, European Universities Championships, EUSA Exhibition and Tour, EUSA Conference, Training Programmes and Social Responsibility projects.

Presentations and discussions

International cooperation, starting with the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and other University Sport Continental Organisations was presented, as well as the information from the EUSA members, national university sports bodies, EUSA partner organisations and other organisations.

EUSA Executive Committee members

The agenda of the meeting concluded with the topic of Conferences and Meetings, confirming the dates and venue of the 2016 EUSA General Assembly, which will be held between April 7 and 10 in Wroclaw, Poland, and the EC members also discussed the EUSA Conference in 2017.

The meeting concluded with the guided tour of the Old Town of Zurich and the boat trip on the Lake of Zurich.

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