EUSA Executive Committee meeting in Paris

EUSA Executive Committee meeting in Paris

The Executive Committee meeting of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) was held on March 9-10, 2018, in Paris, France – the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.


EUSA Executive Committee members, staff and invited guests were greeted and welcomed by the President of the French University Sport Federation (FFSportU), Mr Jean-Francois Sautereau who expressed his pleasure in hosting the meeting in his home-country. EUSA President, Mr Adam Roczek, thanked Mr Sautereau for his warm welcome and proceeded to start the meeting with the approval of the meeting’s two day agenda.

Adam Roczek Opening Speech

EUSA Secretary General, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik began with the office report, a general overview of the recent important activities of EUSA Office, before passing the floor over to EUSA Treasurer, Mr Lorenz Ursprung who provided a deep insight into the financial accounts and audit Report.

EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik

EUSA Sports Manager, Mr Besim Aliti then continued the meeting by covering aspects of EUSA’s sport activities, including updates on the European Universities Championships 2019 and future EUSA Patronage events.

Besim Aliti Sports Manager

Ms Sara Rozman, EUSA Education and Development Manager, went in detail through all of the new EU funded projects which EUSA are either the leading, or partner organisation, before Mr Pecovnik gave insight to the FISU supported projects that EUSA are engaged with.

Sara Rozman Education and Development Manager

EC member, Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez provided a progress report on EUSA General Assembly 2018 which will be held in Madrid, Spain, at the start of April. Time was also given to discuss the next work meetings, including the next EUSA Executive Committee meetings and EUSA Conference 2019.

Aitor Canibe Sanchez

Mr Haris Pavletic, EUSA Vice-President, provided a detailed account of the latest supervision commission report of the European Universities Games Coimbra 2018, before members of the local organising committee presented their progress report to the EC. Mr Daniel Monteiro, Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sport (FADU) President began the report before EUG2018 Secretary General, Mr Mario Santos, and EUG2018 Sports Manager, Ms Filipa Godinho gave more specific details including the big milestones that will be met in the coming months.

EUG2018 OC

The last action on the first day of meetings was dedicated to European Universities Games Belgrade 2020, starting with a comprehensive account of the latest supervision commission report from Mr Kemal Tamer, EUSA Vice-President. A large delegation from organising committee presented their progress report to executive committee, including a video from last Monday’s large promotional event in Belgrade. The delegation consisted of the Serbian University Sports Federation (USSS) President, Mr Sinisa Jasnic; Serbian Minister of Youth and Sport, Mr Vanja Udovičić; Ms Ivanka Popovic, the Vice-Rector of the University of Belgrade, Mr Darko Udovičić, Acting Assistant Minister of Youth and Sport; Ms Ivana Dukic, Advisor to the Minister, Mr Djoko Cuckovic, Secretary General of USSS, and Ms Dijana Ivančić, Charge d'affaires at the Serbian Embassy in France.

EUG2020 OC

The first day ended with an official dinner at the French National Olympic Committee (CNOSF) Headquarters in Paris, where Mr Jean-Pierre Mougin, Vice-President of CNOSF welcomed EUSA President and EUSA Executive Committee members.

Official Dinner at CNSOF

The meetings began once again on the following day, where the board began to speak about international cooperation and EUSA member federations. President of the Swedish University Sports Federation, Mr Sture Espwall was invited to present how the university sports field looks like in Sweden, including their “Vision 2020” and the European Universities Rowing Championships 2019, which will take place in Jonkoping.

Sture Espwall Sweedish University Sports Federation

The floor was then given to Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan, EUSA Auditor, who was next to present to the executive committee with “EUSA General Assembly and Gala 2020 in Yerevan”. Mr Gabrielyan not only showed the executive committee the beautiful nature that Armenia holds, but also presented the facilities that he hopes can host the meetings and gala in 2020.

Hovhannes Gabrielyan EUSA Auditor


EUSA Treasurer, Mr Lorenz Ursprung lead discussions of EUSA’s development strategy plan which was formulated with the assistance of the other members of the Finance and Marketing Commission, Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez and Mr Bill Thompson, together with Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General, who met earlier in the month. All members of this commission presented alongside Mr Ursprung, which lead to lengthy discussions in the room.

Lorenz Ursprung EUSA Treasurer

Several EUSA commissions were then able to present reports into their work in the last few months, starting with the equal opportunities commission which was presented by Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, who is the chair of the commission.

Executive Committee Meeting Paris

Chair of the Education Commission, Mr Milan Zvan presented to the group the recent activities of the Education Commission.

Milan Zvan EC Member

Mr Bill Thompson, Chair of the Media and Communication Commission discussed the proposed activities of the commission on the lead up to the EUG2018

Bill Thompson EC Member

EUSA Secretary General, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and EUSA Sports Manager, Mr Besim Aliti concluded the commission reports by providing the executive commission with a report from the technical commission.

Executive Committee Meeting 2018-01

The second and final day of meetings was concluded at the FFSportU Headquarters in Paris, where FFSportU President welcomed EUSA Executive Committee and thanked them for their hard work over the last few days. The event was also attended by members of the executive committee of FFSportU, which has a large student compostion. EUSA President, EUSA Executive Committee, and EUSA Staff were able to have relaxed conversations with the individuals involved with FFSportU and discuss the future of university sport in France and in Europe.

Roczek and Sautereau

European University Sport Association would like to thank once again FFSportU for hosting this EUSA Executive Committee in Paris, and we are looking forward to seeing French student athletes competing for medals in Coimbra for the European Universities Games this July.

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