EUSA Executive Committee Meeting in Ljubljana starts

EUSA Executive Committee Meeting in Ljubljana starts

Ljubljana, the city of the offices of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), is hosting the Executive Committee meeting of the association on May 31 and June 1, 2013. 

The third EUSA EC meeting in 2013 has a full agenda, and has a strong focus on the European Universities Games.

Memorandum between EUSA and EFPM

EUSA Executive members and invited guests were welcomed to Ljubljana by Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President and Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General. After approving the agenda and approving the minutes of the last EC meeting, which took place just before the EUSA General Assembly in March 2013 in Madeira, an important step was made in cooperation between the European University Sports Association and European Fair Play Movement. The EC members were addressed by Mr Miroslav Cerar, EFPM Vice-President, expressing his happiness about the cooperation between the two organisations. A Memorandum of Understanding between EUSA and EFPM was signed, even strengthening the cooperation.

Presentation from Armenia

On behalf of the Students University Sports Federation of Armenia Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan presented the short history of their federation and the current projects. He then presented the plans for the next EUSA Executive Committee meeting, which will be held in Yerevan in Armenia in October this year. He also presented a proposal of introducing Chess on the EUSA sports programme for the future events.

Presentation of sports climbing

EUSA Executive Committee members were also visited by Mr Wolfgang Wabel, the President of the International Federation of Sports Climbing for Europe. He briefly introduced IFSC and its activities and also presented a proposal to include sports climbing on the EUSA sports programme. Both proposals will be further evaluated and discussed.


From the EUSA current activities, a progress report of the European Universities Championships was presented by EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik and Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa. They reported on the successful conclusion of the EUC Badminton and preparations and status reports on the other sports events coming up in 2013.

EUSA Executive Committee Meeting in session


The EC also discussed the report of the Organising Committee of the 2nd European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014 and confirmed the proposed dates and sports. While Saturday will be devoted to the European Universities Games 2016, the Executive Committee confirmed the bidding process of the 4th European Universities Games for 2018, which opening on June 1, 2013.


EUSA Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl presented the reports and activities on the EU level and the EUSA’s partnership in projects like the European Anti-Doping Initiative, Prevention of Sexualised Violence in Sport, European Volunteer Service and other projects and opportunities.


The activities related to the International University Sports Federation (FISU) were reported on, and the Executive Committee passed some internal regulations on the procedural roles of the EUSA EC.


Chairs of Commissions were given the chance to report on their activities and present their action plan. Updates were given for the Marketing and Finance Commission y Mr Tabor, Student Commission by Ms Isabel Colischonn, Medical Commission by Mr Haris Pavletic, Media and Communications Commission by Mr Leonz Eder and Technical Commission by Mrs Ivana Ertlova. EUSA President Mr Roczek also opened the discussion on the concept of a new commission, fo dealing with educational services.



Towards the end of the first day’s meeting, a draw was made for the order of the presentation of the bidding cities for the 3rd European Universities Games in 2016 the following day. The draw decided that the presentation of the candidate city Zagreb-Rijeka will be held first, followed by the presentation of Coimbra.

EUSA President Mr Roczek and the Mayor of Ljubljana Mr Zoran Jankovic


The first day of the EUSA Executive Committee Meeting concluded with the reception with the Mayor of Ljubljana Mr Zoran Jankovic. He welcomed all the guests and especially wished all the best to the candidate cities for the 2016 EUSA Games. In a pleasant atmosphere other issues were discussed as well, and the evening concluded with a dinner in a traditional Slovenian restaurant.

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