EUSA Executive Committee meeting 02-2006

EUSA Executive Committee meeting 02-2006
The second EUSA Executive Committee this year was organised by the Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) from June 9-10, 2006 in Moscow / Russia. The meeting started with welcome speeches by Mr. Oleg V. Matytsin, the President of the RSSU and Mr. Viktor Khotochin, the Vice President of the Russian Olympic Committee, who stressed the importance of the student sport in the society.
EUSA Executive Committee meeting 02-2006

The EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri thanked the President of the RSSU for the invitation and organisation of the meeting and welcomed all the members of the Executive Committee and guests, the representative of the University Sports Association of Ukraine.

EUSA Executive Committee meeting 02-2006

During the stay in Moscow, the EUSA President also met with Mr. Vyacheslav A. Fetisov, the Russian Minister of Sports, presented EUSA activities to him, and thanked RSSU for their engagement in all EUSA activities. The minister, a double  Olympic Gold medallist, stressed that the state will continue to support the university sport activities.

EUSA Executive Committee meeting 02-2006

The members took the opportunity and also visited the University of Moscow, the new University Tennis Centre, where European Universities Championship 2007 will be held and the Kremlin. The next meeting will be held from September 28-30, 2006.

The following decisions were made on the meeting:

The EUSA EC attributed the organisation of the EUC Table Tennis 2007 to Ostrava / CZE.
The Organising Rights Fees for all the Championships in 2007 and 2008 is 2,000 € / sport.
Rugby (7) is put on the EUC 2008 Programme.
The deadline for the candidatures for all EUSA events in 2008 is December 31, 2006.

The Executive Committee nominated Michel Bonfils as the Chair of the Technical Commission for the next two year mandate.
The Executive Committee will nominate the Technical Delegates for the next two year period at upon the proposals from member federations on the next meeting. The deadline for the candidatures is August 31, 2006. One Technical Delegate and one substitute will be nominated per sport.

The Seminar for the organisers of the EUSA 2007 events will be organised in Valencia / ESP on Sunday, December 3, 2006.

The EUSA EC attributed the organisation of the EUSA General Assembly 2006 to Spanish Committee of University Sport (CEDU) and the University of Valencia. The General Assembly will be held from December 1-3, 2006 in Valencia.
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