EUSA Executive Committee meeting 01E-2025

EUSA Executive Committee meeting 01E-2025

Executive Committee members of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) met for its first meeting of the year as an electronic/online meeting on Thursday, February 27, 2025.

After the welcomes, updates were given by the EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik and EUSA President Adam Roczek.

The members appoved the draft of appointment of EUSA representatives at the European Universities Championships in 2025, and confirmed 5 new universities as associated members, pending final approval by the General Assembly later in the year. This brings a total of 114 associated universities from 23 countries. The data will be updated soon at and the newly joined entities presented individually also on EUSA social media.

In the preparation of the upcoming electoral General Assembly, the Executive Committee members also proposed that an online General Assembly be held in the spring, to gives the members a chance to approve some changes ahead of the October regular Assembly. National University Sports Associations - NUSAs, EUSA regular members, will be informed about this in the following weeks.

EUSA Executive Committee will meet in person April 4-5 in Tbisili, Georgia.

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