EUSA - ENGSO meeting in Belgrade

EUSA - ENGSO meeting in Belgrade
On October 31, 2013 Secretary General of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Matjaz Pecovnik met with the Vice-President of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) Mr Predrag Manojlovic in Belgrade, Serbia. The aim of the meeting was preparation of the partnership agreement between ENGSO and EUSA, which will be signed in the near future.
The cooperation between organisations started already some years ago. EUSA started the cooperation initially through the youth organisation within ENGSO – ENGSO Youth in projects "EADIn – European Anti-Doping Initiative" and "Prevention of sexualised violence in sports." EUSA representatives participated this year at the ENGSO General Assembly and EU Seminar on European Sports Policy, organised in Belgrade on June 7-8, 2013; as well as at the ENGSO Forum organised on October 20-21, 2013 in Strasbourg.
EUSA EADIn Ambassadors and Coordinator - January 2012
During the last event in Strasbourg it was agreed with ENGSO President Mrs Birgitta Kervinen to start working on the preparation of the partnership agreement between the two organisations. Mr Pecovnik and Mr Manojlovic discussed today the details on the agreement on cooperation, to be presented to the Executive Committees of EUSA and ENGSO. The agreement is expected to be officially signed during the EUSA General Assembly 2014, which will be held in Denizli, Turkey from April 4-6, 2014.

EUSA representatives together with ENGSO President and Secretary General - Strasbourg, October 2013
ENGSO presently has 40 national umbrella sports organisations as members. The members of ENGSO represent the national sport in its broadest sense - from children and youth sport, over sport for all activities to elite sports. More information about ENGSO can be found online at

Mr Manojlovic, ENGSO, Mr Pecovnik, EUSA and Mr Sekulic, Faculty of Sports
On the occasion of the meeting held at the Faculty of Sports, Mr Pecovnik met also with Mr Bojan Sekulić, founder of the institution and dr. Ivanka Gajic; acting dean; who presented the guest the faculty program and facilities.

EUSA Secretary General at the office of the University Sports Federation of Serbia
During his stay in Belgrade, Mr Pecovnik also visited the office of EUSA member - University Sports Federation of Serbia (USSS), where he met with Mr Sinisa Jasnic, USSS President and other members of USSS.
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