EUSA Education Commission Meeting in Ljubljana

EUSA Education Commission Meeting in Ljubljana

On Friday, September 15, the Education Commission of the European University Sports Association held its first meeting at the EUSA Office in Ljubljana.

Education Commission is chaired by EUSA Executive Member Mr Milan Zvan and has four members, among them present Ms Elena Ponomareva from Russia, Ms Cristina Branzoi from Romania, Mr Mozes Szekely from Hungary, special guest at the meeting was EUSA Honorary President, Mr Alberto Gualtieri. Ms Sara Rozman, EUSA Education and Development manager, who serves as the commission’s secretary, and Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications and Projects Manager, attended the meeting as well.

Presentation of the projects

After welcome address, EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik gave general introduction of EUSA and its activities to the members of the Commission. The Members of the Commission were also introduced with main activities of Education Commission, its goals and future projects.

The last part of the meeting gave attention to Members’ initiatives, their ideas and reflection of the work that falls under this Commission. After the conclusions, Mr Zvan officially closed the meeting. The Commission will meet again in the first quarter of the next year.

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