EUSA EC meets in Rotterdam

EUSA EC meets in Rotterdam

The first Executive Committee meeting of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) in 2014 was held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands between January 30 and February 1. 

EUSA Executive Committee members were welcomed by Mr Daniel Sikkens, the Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 2nd European Universities Games, hosts of the meeting. EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek thanked Mr Sikkens and the Organisers for their hospitality and expressed his best wishes for the successful preparation of the event.

Welcome by Mr Sikkens and Mr Roczek

At the meeting itself the members and invited guests discussed over the period of two days the reports and overall status of organisation and its activities, with overall presentations given by the EUSA President Mr Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. 

EUSA Treasurer, Secretary General, President and Vice-Presidents


Technical Commission President Mrs Ivana Ertlova and EUSA Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa reported on the sports programme and events. The Executive Committee then attributed the remaining two European Universities Championships for 2015, completing the sport calendar and making the 2015 a year when 19 sports will be organised within EUSA competitions.

Sports presentations by Mrs Ertlova and Mr Perosa


A lot of focus was given on the European Universities Games. Progress report for the 2014 event has been presented by Mr Sikkens, Chairman of the Organising Committee and Mr Henk Smit, the EUSA Games Tournament Director. The members discussed some specific aspects of the event and representatives of the Organising Committee assured that the Games will be organised in the best way possible, making it enjoyable and memorable for all participants.

Mr Henk Smit and Mr Daniel Sikkens presenting Progress Report

After the presentation of the 2014 Games, progress report was given by Mr Haris Pavletic on the 2016 European Universities Games, and also the bidding and attribution of the 2018 European Universities Games was discussed.

Part of the EUSA EC Members and invited guests

The Executive Committee members also discussed the preparations for this year’s EUSA Conference and General Assembly, presented by Mr Kemal Tamer on behalf of the Turkish University Sports Federation (TUSF), hosts of the events. EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik and Communications Manager Mr Pisl reported on the EU and FISU projects, while EUSA Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor presented the finances, with realisation report for 2013 and budget proposal for 2014-2015.

Part of the EUSA EC Members and invited guests


Commission Chairs reported on the activities within their structures, namely the Student Commission, Technical Commission, Medical Commission, Media and Communication Commission and Financial and Marketing Commission.


The last item on the agenda was the international cooperation, activities and partnerships, including FISU, other Continental Federations, EU, NGO and other sport organisations.

Reception at the Kuyl's Foundation


On the invitation of the Organising Committee, a reception with a formal dinner was held at the Kuyl's Fundatie residence, in presence of the President of the Organising Committee Mr Daniel Sikkens, President of the Erasmus University Rotterdam Mrs Pauline van der Meer Mohr, Vice Mayor Culture and Sports from the City of Rotterdam Mrs Antoinette Laan, with several other patrons and partners.

Formal dinner


At this occasion, EUSA President Mr Roczek also presented a special award to the Erasmus University President Mrs van der Meer Mohr, as the University is celebrating its 100th anniversary in the academic year 2013-2014. One of the pinnacles of the celebration will definitely be the European Universities Games, centrally located right in the heart of the Erasmus University Campus.

Mr Roczek presnting a special 10tth anniversary award to Mrs van der Meer Mohr


The EUSA Executive Committee meeting ended on Saturday with the visit of some of the venues to be used during the Games in the summer and the famous De Kuip Feijenoord Football stadium before the departures.

Visiting sports venues


The next EUSA Executive Committee meeting will be on April 3 in Denizli, Turkey, just before the EUSA Conference and General Assembly also hosted there the following days. The members – together with over 3000 participants – will return to Rotterdam between July 24 and August 8 2014 for the 2nd edition of the European Universities Games.

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