EUSA EC meets in Armenia

EUSA EC meets in Armenia

On the invitation of the Armenian Student Sports Federation (ARSSF), the Executive Committee meeting of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) 04-2013 was held in Yerevan, Armenia on October 24 and 25, 2013.


The meeting was opened by the welcome addresses by Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President who expressed his happiness that EUSA is able to reach out to its members in various parts of Europe and commended the activities of the hosting national university sports association. Although ARSSF officially joined EUSA only at the General Assembly in 2012, they have already been active in taking part in EUSA sports events and also in other activities of the continental governing body for university sport.

Opening by the EUSA President Mr Roczek


On behalf of the hosts, members of the Executive Committee and other participants were welcomed by Mr Razmik Stepanyan, ARSSF Vice-President, Mr Samvel Haroutunian, International relations manager and Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Sports manager. They presented the activities and accomplishments of their organisation and stressed the desire of their federation to be an even more active member of EUSA in the future.

EUSA President with representatives of Armenian Student Sports Federation

EUSA Executive Committee Meeting was also a good opportunity to strengthen the cooperation in the region, so the representatives of the University Sports Federation of Georgia (USFG), the President of USFG Mr Lekso Gugava and Vice-President Mr Shota Bakradze were also invited. They presented their activities to the EUSA Executive Committee and also held bilateral discussions with their Armenian counterparts about the possibilities of closer cooperation and joint activities.

Presentation by the University Sports Federation of Georgia representatives

All participants of the EUSA Executive Committee meeting were also received by Mr Armen Ashotyan, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, who is also the President of ARSSF. Mr Ashotyan warmly welcomed the guests at the Ministry in the Armenian capital and expressed his happiness about the fact that sport in general, and especially university sport is bridging borders and linking different countries, nationalities and religions. He also personally expressed his support and repeated the willingness of ARSSF to host more EUSA events in the future.

Minister Ashotyan addressing EUSA guests

At the occasion of the meeting with the Minister Mr Ashotyan, EUSA President Mr Roczek presented him a crystal EUSA plaque, thanking him for hosting the meeting and for his support for university sport on the national and international level.

EUSA President Mr Roczek presented the EUSA plaque to Mr Ashotyan

The two-day meeting otherwise had a full agenda. Starting with the reports, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General gave an overview of the activities since the last Executive Committee meeting which was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia end of May this year.

Group photo with the Minister


As most of the European Universities Championships in 2013 have already took place in several countries around Europe, Mr Patrik Perosa, Sports Manager, presented the highlights of the final reports and statistics available so far.

Presentation by EUSA Sports Manager Mr Perosa

Special focus was given to the 2nd European Universities Games, which will be held between July 24 and August 8, 2014 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The Executive Committee confirmed the rules and regulations and other details, including the registration timeline. Registrations will open on December 1, 2013; details will be announced shortly to the national university sports associations in Europe. A progress report of the 3rd European Universities Games, to be held in Zagreb-Rijeka, Croatia in 2016 was also presented by Mr Haris Pavletic, Executive Committee member.

Progress report on the EUG 2016 was made by Mr Pavletic

Also other future EUSA Sports events were discussed, with the possibility of including two new sports to the European Universities Championships – Sport Climbing and Chess. The bidding for the 2018 European Universities Games is still open until November 1, when the Letters of Intention and payment of Bidding Fee are due. The Executive Committee members also discussed the bidding process of the 2017 European Universities Championships which will be announced in the beginning of next year.

Mr Tamer presenting on the EUSA General Assembly 2014


Regarding the conferences and meetings, Mr Kemal Tamer, EUSA Executive Committee member gave a report on the next General Assembly, which will be held in Denizli, Pamukkale in Turkey between April 3 and 6, 2014. Mr Pecovnik and Mr Perosa presented the EUSA Convention and Sports Seminar, which will be held in a few weeks in Rotterdam November 15-17, 2013.

EUSA Communications Manager Mr Pisl presenting EU projects

On the topic of projects, EUSA’s involvement in projects financed by the European Commission was presented Mr Andrej Pisl, Communications Manager. EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik presented the report on the EUSA projects supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU). Possibilities of adding new projects within EUSA were also discussed. Marketing advisor Mr Tomaz Gaube from Kraft&Werk also presented a proposal of a new visual identity and branding of EUSA.

Presentation by marketing adviser Mr Gaube

EUSA Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor presented the financials and intermediate budget for the current year, as well as some guidelines and predictions for the 2014 and 2015 budgets, which are being prepared for the future.

EUSA budget and finances were presented by the Treasurer Mr Tabor

Chairs of respective EUSA commissions or their delegates gave reports on the activities and plans related to their bodies within the organisation; namely from the Marketing and Finance Commission, Student Commission, Medical Commission, Media and Communication Commission and Technical Commission. EUSA Executive Committee also proposed establishment of a new body, Educational Services Commission. 

Reporting from the Commission activities

Since the mandate of some members of the Student Commission ended in 2013, the Executive Committee appointed new members among the candidates and taking into account the increased activities of the Commission and high interest, decided to extend the Student Commission to 9 members. New members for the mandate of two years, who will join the existing members which were elected in 2012 are Ms Magdalena Wolowiec (POL), Ms Marion Höchli (SUI), Ms Eileen Schindler (GER), Mr Nikola Vincetic (CRO) and Mr Bruno Barracosa (POR).

Presentation and reporting by EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik

Aligned with the call to complete the Technical Commission, technical representatives for Rugby 7s were also appointed. Mr Jack Jacobs (NED) was nominated as the Technical Delegate for Rugby 7s, assisted by Mr Pavel Velkov (BUL). EUSA Executive Committee also chose three candidates out of the received proposals, to be presented to FISU for scholarship programme, a legacy of 2003 Daegu Summer Universiade and Daegu Metropolitan City. 

Presentations and discussions

EUSA Executive Committee Members also discussed the topic of offering support to its members to strengthen EUSA internally and externally by intensifying international cooperation and partnerships with European organisations and institutions, with special emphasis on the European Union. The EC members also revised the action plan to protect the name, brand and activities of EUSA, preventing any misuse.

Mr Eder thanking the organisers


The meeting concluded with a meal in a traditional Armenian restaurant and a trip to see local sights, where EUSA President Mr Roczek, Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder and Secretary General Mr Pecovnik once again thanked the Organisers for the invitation, hospitality, excellent organisation and programme, promising to continue their support and development of university sport.

EUSA Executive Committee exploring the beauties of Armenia


The next Executive Committee meeting will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands on January 30 and February 1, 2014.

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