EUSA EC meeting in London

EUSA EC meeting in London
The EUSA Executive Committee met on its second meeting in 2008. The meeting took place from June 6-7, 2008 in London (GBR).
Mr. Phil Attwell, the Chairman of the British Universities Sports Association (BUSA), which hosted the meeting, welcomed all the participants and wished them a successful meeting. Mr. Attwell also announced that this is the last meeting in the organisation of BUSA, since next week a new national university sports federation, named British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) will be formed in GBR.

Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, the EUSA President, thanked BUSA for the organisation of the meeting and welcomed all the members and the invited guest Mr. Kiritsis Michalis, the President of the Greek University Sports Federation.

EUSA family and the British hosts 

Among others, the following decisions were taken on the meeting:

EUC 2009

Due to withdrawal of Leipzig as the organiser of the EUC Football 2009, the EUSA Executive Committee decided to send a new call for
candidatures for the EUC Football 2009 organisers. The deadline is July 1, 2008.

The new venue of the EUC Voolleyball 2009 is Hamburg (GER). The event will be organised from May 18-24, 2009 (!)

The EC decided to organise the EUC Sailing every second year (in the years, where no FISU World University Championships are held).
The EUC Sailing 2008 is therefore postponed to next year. The venue remains Zadar (CRO). The new dates will be announced in due time.

EUC 2010
The EC approved the Program of the EUC 2010. The call for candidatures was sent to member federations.
The deadline for applications is September 15, 2008. The EC will decide on the organisers of the 2010 EUSA events on its next meeting on October 20, 2008 in Belgrade.
The EUSA EC nominated Mrs. Kati Korjus (EST) and Mr. Timo Hinrichs (GER)  as the members of the Medical Commission.

The EUSA EC acknowledged the resignation of Mr. Hans Bodmer as the EUSA Legal Advisor and nominated Mr. Thomas Loher as the new EUSA Legal Adviser

The next EUSA EC meeting will be organised in Belgrade on October 19-21, 2008.

EUSA plaquette given to BUSA 

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