EUSA EC Meeting in Brussels

EUSA EC Meeting in Brussels
The Executive Committee meeting of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) took place on June 15 in Brussels, Belgium.
The first meeting after the EUSA General Assembly in March, and the election of the new Executive Committee, was hosted by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) at their offices in Brussels. On behalf of the hosts, the participants were warmly welcomed by the FISU Secretary General Mr Eric Saintrond.

 Welcome address from Mr Saintrond 

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek thanked FISU for their hospitality and continuous partnership and cooperation, and presented Mr Saintrond a symbolic gift on behalf of EUSA.

EUSA President Mr Roczek presenting a gift to FISU Secretary General Mr Saintrond
The recently elected Executive Committee members then turned to their full agenda, which started with the report of the President Mr Adam Roczek. Later, the Office Report was presented by Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. Mr Olaf Tabor presented the Treasurer report which was concentrated to the realisation and new provision of the budget for 2012.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek
Attention was then given to the upcoming 1st European Universities Games which are to take place in Cordoba, Spain between this July 13 and 23. Mr Patrik Perosa, the Sports Manager, presented the progress and evaluation report and gave an overall view of the event. Despite being the first such multi-sport event to be organised under the wings of EUSA, the first edition will already present a benchmark, featuring 10 sports and hosting over 2500 participants.

EUSA Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa
After the 2012 events - EUSA Games in Cordoba in July and the Convention in Portoroz in November, the European Universities Championships will be organised in 2013, so the attention was also given to the 2013 programme. A new sport has been added to the list - Basketball 3 on 3. The EC also confirmed the organisation of next year's General Assembly, to be held in Portugal March 14-17, 2013.

Discussion in a meeting
Continuing on the topic of sport events, EUSA EC members agreed on the bidding procedures of the European Universities Championships 2015 and European Universities Games 2016. The bidding process will open on July 1, 2012, when also other details will be announced.

EUSA Treasurer Mr Tabor and EC member Mr Rosenzweig
The call for nominations for EUSA commissions for the period 2012-2016 was set to be open on July 1 as well. EUSA Auditor and STC member Mr Zoltan Rakaczki then presented the Student Commission's report.

Among other topics, the Executive Committee members and invited guests also discussed the current cooperation with international organisations and institutions and plans how to strengthen the partnerships.
The next EUSA Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for October 26-28, 2012 in Trieste, Italy.
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