EUSA EC meeting 03-2011

EUSA EC meeting 03-2011

Executive Committee Meeting 03-2011 of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) was held in St Gallen, Switzerland on September 24, 2011.


The hosts - Swiss University Sports Federation (SHSV) and the University of St Gallen - welcomed the member of the Executive Committee of EUSA and its staff, starting with an informal dinner on Friday, September 23. The participants were first addressed by Mr Leonz Eder, SHSV Managing Director and EUSA Treasurer and Dr Jurgen Brucker, the Dean of International Relations and Development at the University of St Gallen. They expressed great happiness for being able to host the meeting, and congratulated EUSA on its growth and development.

Welcome by Mr Eder


Mr Gualtieri thanked the hosts, underlying the fact that the growth of EUSA has to be thanked especially to dedicated people and active members, such as SHSV. At this occasion he also presented a special edition of the EUSA Anniversary Book to Mr Brucker.

Mr Jurgen Brucker receiving the EUSA book from Mr Gualtieri

The meeting officially started on Saturday, September 24 in the morning at the Head Office building of the University of St Gallen, where the participants were welcomed also by the Mayor of St Gallen Mr Thomas Scheitlin. In his speech Mr Scheitlin said that he is proud that St Gallen is hosting two important EUSA events in one month – the 8th European Universities Tennis Championship and the EUSA Executive Committee Meeting. EUSA President Mr Gualtieri thanked the Mayor for his commitment and support in the development of university sport, and presented him with the EUSA book.

The Mayor of St Gallen Mr Scheitlin attends EUSA EC Meeting

The members then continued the meeting, starting with the reports and overview of activities from the last meeting, which was held on June 3 & 4 in Warsaw, Poland. Special attention was given to this year’s European Universities Championships. While the championships have not concluded yet – 1 event is yet to be held, the statistics shows that this year will be the most successful year in the history of EUSA, with over 3500 participants taking part in EUSA championships. Due to cancellation of the initially planned Taekwondo championship in Sofia, Bulgaria, the EC awarded the organisation of the 2nd European Universities Taekwondo Championship to the new host. The event will take place in Braga, Portugal, between December 12 and 14, 2011.

Meeting of the EUSA Executive Committee

Special emphasis was also given to the European Universities Games. The inaugural edition of this event will take place in Cordoba, Spain between July 13 and 24, 2012. While intensive preparations for the event are undergo, EUSA received two bids for the second edition of the European Universities, to take place in 2014: Rotterdam (NED) and Wroclaw (POL). The Evaluation group will visit both cities in October 2011, and the games will be awarded at the next EUSA EC meeting, after the final presentation on November 26, 2011.


Apart from the sporting events, presented by Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Sports Manager Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA EC members were also acquainted with the ongoing and planned projects and their progress reports given by Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl, including the European Anti Doping Initiative (EADIn). The Treasurer Mr Leonz Eder presented the current finances, budget, plans and outlooks for the future and Legal Advisor Mr Thomas Loher assisted in interpretation of legal matters.

Executive Committee Members, with St Gallen landscape in the background

Representatives of commissions and working groups also presented their reports. Ms Isabel Collischonn gave a report on behalf of the Student Commission, presented their policy paper and action plan for the future, underlying the importance of the existing Volunteer Programme and introducing also some new ideas. Mr Haris Pavletic, Chair of the Medical Commission reported on the medical and health-related matters during the championships, welcoming also the Anti-Doping Initiative and its activities. The reports were concluded by Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, Chair of the Gender Equality Working Group, presenting the outcomes of the EUSA survey, which were also published in the recent edition FISU Magazine.


The next EUSA EC meeting will take place in Cordoba, Spain on November 25 and 26, 2011.

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