EUSA EC meeting 03-2010: Day 1

EUSA EC meeting 03-2010: Day 1

Novi Sad, Serbia is from December 5 to 6, 2011 the venue of the third EUSA Executive Committee Meeting this year. The meeting is taking place at the Hotel Park in Novi Sad. It started yesterday with the welcome speech of Vice-President of EUSA Mr. Sinisa Jasnic, who is also the host of this meeting. Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President, thanked the host on behalf of the board members for his hospitality and on that occasion presented him the EUSA Plaquette.

Mr Jasnic receiving EUSA plaq

After approving the Agenda and the Minutes of the last meeting the floor was given to Mr. Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General who presented the office report. Mr. Adam Roczek, Sports Manager presented the dates and progress report of the European Universities Championships 2011. The board agreed on some slight modifications of the existing EUC Regulations. The progress report on the European Universities Games to be held in Cordoba 2012 was presented and the entry procedure for this multi-sport event was approved. The title of the Patronage was granted to the Moscow Open Universities Dancesport Cup to be held in Moscow from December 18 to 19, 2010. The reports on the EUSA Convention, Symposium and General Assembly were presented by the Secretary General.

Mr Pecovnik presenting the office report

Mr. Leonz Eder, Treasurer a.i. reported on the budgets 2010 and 2011. The Executive Committee also approved the new Financial Regulations presented by the Treasurer. In the afternoon, the Commission Reports were presented by Mr. Haris Pavletic, Medical Commission Chairman and Ms. Eleftheria Kallikalizarou, Student Commission Chairwoman. The Action Plan of the Gender Working Group was also approved.

Reports from Medical Commission and Student Comission

At the end of the day, the discussion on the cooperation with EUSA members, FISU, continental federations and other organisations was held.

EUSA EC meeting 03-2010 continues today and will officially conclude on Monday December 6 in the afternoon.


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