EUSA EC Meeting 01-2012

EUSA EC Meeting 01-2012

Yesterday, on March 15, 2012, the Executive Committee of European University Sports Association (EUSA) met in Maribor, Slovenia for their scheduled meeting for the first time this year and at the same time the meeting was the last meeting of the current Executive Committee, as the electoral General Assembly of EUSA is coming up this Saturday.

Mr Gualtieri presenting a gift to Mr Roczek


Although the meeting was devoted mainly to the upcoming General Assembly, the EC members took the opportunity to thank Mr Adam Roczek, the former Sports Manager, for all his work and dedication during the past years. EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik and EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri presented Mr Roczek a special gift as a sign of thanks.

EC Meeting


The members were otherwise informed about the report of activities undertaken from the last meeting and then focused on final preparation for the EUSA Conference to be held on Friday, March 16 and the EUSA General Assembly the day after.

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