EUSA EC meeting 01-2011

EUSA EC meeting 01-2011

The Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association met for its first regular meeting 01-2011 in Eilat, Israel on March 3, just before the Conference and the General Assembly which are to start tomorrow and the day after.

The Executive Committee discussed several items, among them the members were acquainted about the report and activities from the last Executive Committees by Mr Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President and Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General. Reports were given on the European Universities Championships 2011 and 2013 and the European Universities Games 2012 and 2014 and the EUSA Cups and Patronage events by the Secretary General and Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA Sports Manager.



A special report was given by Mr Haris Pavletic, Medical Commission Chairman, about the European Anti-Doping Initiative, a project in which EUSA is one of the main partners.
EUSA President and Secretary General also gave a special report on the visits to the Member Federations which need additional support and/or want to increase its activities and participation in EUSA and its events.

Ms Eleftheria Kallikazarou, Student Commission Chairwoman presented the report of the Student Commission and in cooperation with Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications manager they introduced this year’s volunteer programme.

Mr Aitor Canibe Sanches, EUSA EC Member and Chairman of the Gender Equality Working Group, presented the activities of the commission, and introduced the preliminary results of the questionnaire on women in university sports in Europe, which was distributed among EUSA members.



The Executive Committee Members also discussed the recent developments and news from NUSAs and Universities, and in the international relations the connections and projects of the International University Sports Federations – FISU, and also of individual continental organisations.

Among the topics of discussion were also various conferences and Meetings, including EUSA Symposium, EUSA Conference, the next General Assemblies and upcoming Executive Committee Meetings. Special focus was given to the upcoming General Assembly, and the topics to be discussed there.

EUSA Executive Committee also elected and nominated three new female Student Commission Members for the two-year mandate: Kaisa Myllylä from Finland, Aikaterini Zompanaki from Greece and Isabel Collischonn from Switzerland.

The next meeting of the EUSA Executive Committee members is to take place June 3-4 in Warsaw, Poland.

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