EUSA-EBL meeting

EUSA-EBL meeting

On November 27th, the President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Alberto Gualtieri and the President of European Bridge League (EBL) Mr Yves Aubry met in Brussels in presence of the EUSA delegate Mr Geert Magerman.

Bridge was recognized by EUSA in 2008. After two successful EUSA bridge Championships, both presidents expressed their willing to develop Bridge more at the universities and to reinforce the links between the sport and the European universities. In that respect, both federations investigate the possibility to sign an agreement of collaboration.

Mr Aubry at the 2nd European Universities Bridge Championship (in the middle)

EUSA has also expressed their interest in the Bridge competitions on internet, and EBL will make a proposal of a format to launch an online EUSA bridge competition.

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