EUSA delegates visit Hungary

EUSA delegates visit Hungary

On the Invitation of prof. dr. Adam Kiss, President of the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF), EUSA Vice-President Mr Oleg V. Matytsin and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik visited Budapest from March 11-12, 2013. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the activities and to strengthen the cooperation between HUSF and EUSA.


During their stay in Budapest, EUSA representatives met with representatives of HUSF as well as with Mr Laszlo Vigh, Government Commissioner, Mrs Aniko Ferenczy, Director of Hungarian Convention Bureau, Dr Jeno Kamuti, President of the International Committee for Fair Play and prof. dr. Miklos Toth, Vice President of the Hungarian Olympic Committee.

Press conference


On Monday, a Press Conference was organised in the Hungarian Sports House in Budapest. HUSF President Mr Kiss welcomed all the journalists and other participants and presented the activities of the federation. He also presented the HUSF plans to increase the organisation and participation of universities and students from Hungary on EUSA events.

Mr Matytsin addressing the media

Mr Matytsin confirmed that the first results of HUSF plans are already visible, as European Universities Karate Championship will be organised this year in Budapest, and Hungary is as well a candidate for organisation of the Rugby 7's championship in 2015. Also the increase in participation on EUSA events is shown with this year's participation of universities from Hungary on European Universities Championships in Basketball, Football and Rugby 7's.

HUSF President Dr Kiss


EUSA representatives thanked Mr Kiss for the invitation and presented the organisation and activities of both FISU and EUSA. Mr Matytsin, also in function of FISU First Vice-President, stressed the importance of the university sports and presented the international university sports activities. He also answered on questions connected to the organisation of Summer Universiade in Kazan. Budapest has recently sent the Letter of Intention to host the Summer Universiade in 2019.

EUSA Presentation by Mr Pecovnik


Mr Pecovnik made a presentation on the structure and main activities of EUSA and university sports in Europe, focusing on the organisation of the European Universities Championships and Games. 


In his address to the media, prof. dr. Miklos Toth, Hungarian Olympic Committee Vice President, expressed full readiness of the National Olympic Committee to further support the activities of the Hungarian University Sports Federation as well as he supported the plans to host one of the major European and international university events in Hungary in the future.

Sports venues visit


In the afternoon, the sightseeing tour of the sports facilities in Budapest was made. HUSF team, lead by Secretary General dr. Mozes Szekely invited EUSA representative to visit the Puskas Ferenc Stadium, Gerevich Aladar National Sportshall, Icerink and Budapest University Sports Centre.


At the end of the visit, Mr Matytsin and Mr Pecovnik thanked HUSF for the invitation and presented EUSA Plaquette and book to Mr Kiss and Mr Toth, and were awarded with gifts from their host as well.

Gifts exchange

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